이 섹션의 항목에서는 ARM(Azure Resource Manager) 프레임워크에서 Azure Cosmos DB용 Azure PowerShell cmdlet 및 Apache Cassandra용 Azure Managed Instance를 설명합니다. cmdlet은 Microsoft.Azure.Commands.CosmosDB 네임스페이스에 있습니다.
Cosmos DB
Get-AzCosmosDBAccount |
Get CosmosDB Account. |
Get-AzCosmosDBAccountKey |
Get Keys{"ConnectionKeys", "PrimaryReadOnly" or "Keys"} for the given CosmosDB Account. |
Get-AzCosmosDBCassandraKeyspace |
Gets a CosmosDB Cassandra Keyspace. |
Get-AzCosmosDBCassandraKeyspaceThroughput |
Gets the throughput value of the Cassandra Keyspace. |
Get-AzCosmosDBCassandraTable |
Gets a CosmosDB Cassandra Table. |
Get-AzCosmosDBCassandraTableThroughput |
Gets the throughput value of the Cassandra Table. |
Get-AzCosmosDbClientEncryptionKey |
Gets the CosmosDB Client Encryption Key. |
Get-AzCosmosDBGremlinDatabase |
Gets the CosmosDB Gremlin Database. |
Get-AzCosmosDBGremlinDatabaseThroughput |
Gets the throughput of a CosmosDB Gremlin Database. |
Get-AzCosmosDBGremlinGraph |
Gets the CosmosDB Gremlin Graph. |
Get-AzCosmosDBGremlinGraphBackupInformation |
Retrieves the latest restorable timestamp for a gremlin graph. |
Get-AzCosmosDBGremlinGraphThroughput |
Gets the throughput of a CosmosDB Gremlin Graph. |
Get-AzCosmosDBGremlinRestorableDatabase |
Gets the list of all the restorable Azure Cosmos DB Gremlin databases available under the restorable account. |
Get-AzCosmosDBGremlinRestorableGraph |
Lists all the restorable Azure Cosmos DB Gremlin graphs available for a specific database. |
Get-AzCosmosDBGremlinRestorableResource |
Lists all the restorable Azure Cosmos DB Gremlin resources available for a specific database account at a given time and location. |
Get-AzCosmosDBLocation |
List Azure Cosmos DB locations and their properties. Get Azure Cosmos DB location properties for a specific location. |
Get-AzCosmosDBMongoDBCollection |
Gets the CosmosDB MongoDB Collection. |
Get-AzCosmosDBMongoDBCollectionBackupInformation |
Retrieves the latest restorable timestamp for a mongodb collection. |
Get-AzCosmosDBMongoDBCollectionThroughput |
Gets the CosmosDB throughput properties of MongoDB Collection. |
Get-AzCosmosDBMongoDBDatabase |
Gets the CosmosDB MongoDB Database |
Get-AzCosmosDBMongoDBDatabaseThroughput |
Gets the CosmosDB throughput properties of MongoDB Database. |
Get-AzCosmosDBMongoDBRestorableCollection |
Lists all the restorable Azure Cosmos DB MongoDB collection available for a specific database. |
Get-AzCosmosDBMongoDBRestorableDatabase |
Gets the list of all the restorable Azure Cosmos DB MongoDB databases available under the restorable account. |
Get-AzCosmosDBMongoDBRestorableResource |
Lists all the restorable Azure Cosmos DB MongoDB resources available for a specific database account at a given time and location. |
Get-AzCosmosDBMongoDBRoleDefinition |
Gets the CosmosDB MongoDB Role Definition for the specified resource group and account. |
Get-AzCosmosDBMongoDBUserDefinition |
Gets the CosmosDB MongoDB User Definition. |
Get-AzCosmosDBRestorableDatabaseAccount |
Gets the restorable database account object |
Get-AzCosmosDBService |
Gets the CosmosDB Service |
Get-AzCosmosDBSqlContainer |
Gets the CosmosDB Sql Container. |
Get-AzCosmosDBSqlContainerBackupInformation |
Retrieves the latest restorable timestamp for a sql container. |
Get-AzCosmosDBSqlContainerThroughput |
Gets the throughput settings corresponding to a CosmosDB Sql Container. |
Get-AzCosmosDBSqlDatabase |
Gets the CosmosDB Sql Database. |
Get-AzCosmosDBSqlDatabaseThroughput |
Gets the throughput settings corresponding to a CosmosDB Sql Database. |
Get-AzCosmosDBSqlRestorableContainer |
Lists all the restorable Azure Cosmos DB SQL containers available for a specific database. |
Get-AzCosmosDBSqlRestorableDatabase |
Gets the list of all the restorable Azure Cosmos DB Sql databases available under the restorable account. |
Get-AzCosmosDBSqlRestorableResource |
Lists all the restorable Azure Cosmos DB SQL resources available for a specific database account at a given time and location. |
Get-AzCosmosDBSqlRoleAssignment |
Gets the CosmosDB Sql Role Assignment. |
Get-AzCosmosDBSqlRoleDefinition |
Gets the CosmosDB Role Definition. |
Get-AzCosmosDBSqlStoredProcedure |
Gets the CosmosDB Sql StoredProcedure. |
Get-AzCosmosDBSqlTrigger |
Gets the CosmosDB Sql Trigger. |
Get-AzCosmosDBSqlUserDefinedFunction |
Gets the CosmosDB Sql User Defined Function. |
Get-AzCosmosDBTable |
Gets a CosmosDB Table. |
Get-AzCosmosDBTableBackupInformation |
Retrieves the latest restorable timestamp for a table. |
Get-AzCosmosDBTableRestorableResource |
Lists all the restorable Azure Cosmos DB Table resources available for a specific database account at a given time and location. |
Get-AzCosmosDBTableRestorableTable |
Lists all the restorable Azure Cosmos DB Tables available for a specific database. |
Get-AzCosmosDBTableRoleAssignment |
Gets the CosmosDB Table Role Assignment. |
Get-AzCosmosDBTableRoleDefinition |
Gets the CosmosDB Role Definition. |
Get-AzCosmosDBTableThroughput |
Gets the throughput of a CosmosDB Table. |
Get-AzManagedCassandraCluster |
Gets a Azure Managed Instances for Apache Cassandra cluster. |
Get-AzManagedCassandraDataCenter |
Gets a Azure Managed Instances for Apache Cassandra data center. |
Invoke-AzCosmosDBCassandraKeyspaceThroughputMigration |
Use this to migrate autoscale throughput to manual throughput and vice versa. |
Invoke-AzCosmosDBCassandraTableThroughputMigration |
Use this to migrate autoscale throughput to manual throughput and vice versa. |
Invoke-AzCosmosDBGremlinDatabaseThroughputMigration |
Use this to migrate autoscale throughput to manual throughput and vice versa. |
Invoke-AzCosmosDBGremlinGraphThroughputMigration |
Use this to migrate autoscale throughput to manual throughput and vice versa. |
Invoke-AzCosmosDBMongoDBCollectionThroughputMigration |
Use this to migrate autoscale throughput to manual throughput and vice versa. |
Invoke-AzCosmosDBMongoDBDatabaseThroughputMigration |
Use this to migrate autoscale throughput to manual throughput and vice versa. |
Invoke-AzCosmosDBSqlContainerThroughputMigration |
Use this to migrate autoscale throughput to manual throughput and vice versa. |
Invoke-AzCosmosDBSqlDatabaseThroughputMigration |
Use this to migrate autoscale throughput to manual throughput and vice versa. |
Invoke-AzCosmosDBTableThroughputMigration |
Use this to migrate autoscale throughput to manual throughput and vice versa. |
New-AzCosmosDBAccount |
Create a new CosmosDB Account. |
New-AzCosmosDBAccountKey |
Regenerate a given CosmosDB Account Key. |
New-AzCosmosDBCassandraClusterKey |
Creates a new CosmosDB Cassandra Cluster Key. |
New-AzCosmosDBCassandraColumn |
Creates a new CosmosDB Cassandra Column. |
New-AzCosmosDBCassandraKeyspace |
Creates a new CosmosDB Cassandra Keyspace. |
New-AzCosmosDBCassandraSchema |
Creates a new CosmosDB Cassandra Schema. |
New-AzCosmosDBCassandraTable |
Creates a new CosmosDB Cassandra Table. |
New-AzCosmosDbClientEncryptionKey |
Creates a new CosmosDB Client Encryption Key. |
New-AzCosmosDBDatabaseToRestore |
Creates a new CosmosDB Database to Restore object(PSDatabaseToRestore) |
New-AzCosmosDBGremlinCompositePath |
Creates a new object of type PSCompositePath. It can be passed as a parameter value for Set-AzCosmosDBGremlinGraph. |
New-AzCosmosDBGremlinConflictResolutionPolicy |
Creates a new object of type PSConflictResolutionPolicy. It can be passed as a parameter value for Set-AzCosmosDBGremlinGraph. |
New-AzCosmosDBGremlinDatabase |
Creates a new CosmosDB Gremlin Database. |
New-AzCosmosDBGremlinDatabaseToRestore |
Creates a new CosmosDB Gremlin Database to Restore object(PSGremlinDatabaseToRestore) |
New-AzCosmosDBGremlinGraph |
Creates a new CosmosDB Gremlin Graph. |
New-AzCosmosDBGremlinIncludedPath |
Creates a new object of type PSIncludedPath. It can be passed as a parameter value for Set-AzCosmosDBGremlinGraph. |
New-AzCosmosDBGremlinIncludedPathIndex |
Creates a new object of type PSIndexes. It can be passed as a parameter value for Set-AzCosmosDBGremlinIncludedPath. |
New-AzCosmosDBGremlinIndexingPolicy |
Creates a new CosmosDB IndexingPolicy object. |
New-AzCosmosDBGremlinSpatialSpec |
Creates a new object of type PSSpatialSpec. It can be passed as a parameter value for Set-AzCosmosDBGremlinIndexingPolicy. |
New-AzCosmosDBGremlinUniqueKey |
Creates a new CosmosDB UniqueKeyPolicy object. |
New-AzCosmosDBGremlinUniqueKeyPolicy |
Creates a new CosmosDB UniqueKeyPolicy object. |
New-AzCosmosDBLocationObject |
Create a new CosmosDB Location Object(PSLocation). |
New-AzCosmosDBMongoDBCollection |
Creates a new CosmosDB MongoDB Collection. |
New-AzCosmosDBMongoDBDatabase |
Creates a new CosmosDB MongoDB Database. |
New-AzCosmosDBMongoDBIndex |
Creates a new CosmosDB MongoDB Index. |
New-AzCosmosDBMongoDBPrivilege |
Creates a new CosmosDB MongoDB Privilege object to be used to create or update a CosmosDB MongoDB Role Definition. |
New-AzCosmosDBMongoDBPrivilegeResource |
Creates a new CosmosDB MongoDB PrivilegeResource object to be used to create or update a CosmosDB MongoDB Role Definition. |
New-AzCosmosDBMongoDBRole |
Creates a new CosmosDB MongoDB Role object to be used to create or update a CosmosDB MongoDB Role Definition and User Definition. |
New-AzCosmosDBMongoDBRoleDefinition |
Creates a new CosmosDB MongoDB Role Definition. |
New-AzCosmosDBMongoDBUserDefinition |
Creates a new CosmosDB MongoDB User Definition. |
New-AzCosmosDBPermission |
Creates a new CosmosDB Permission object to be used to create or update a Role Definition. |
New-AzCosmosDBService |
Creates a new CosmosDB Service. |
New-AzCosmosDBSqlCompositePath |
Creates a new object of type PSCompositePath. It can be passed as a parameter value for Set-AzCosmosDBSqlContainer. |
New-AzCosmosDBSqlConflictResolutionPolicy |
Creates a new object of type PSSqlConflictResolutionPolicy. It can be passed as a parameter value for Set-AzCosmosDBSqlContainer. |
New-AzCosmosDBSqlContainer |
Creates a new CosmosDB Sql Container. |
New-AzCosmosDBSqlDatabase |
Creates a new CosmosDB Sql Database. |
New-AzCosmosDBSqlIncludedPath |
Creates a new object of type PSIncludedPath. It can be passed as a parameter value for Set-AzCosmosDBSqlContainer. |
New-AzCosmosDBSqlIncludedPathIndex |
Creates a new object of type PSIndexes. It can be passed as a parameter value for Set-AzCosmosDBSqlIncludedPath. |
New-AzCosmosDBSqlIndexingPolicy |
Creates a new CosmosDB Sql IndexingPolicy object. |
New-AzCosmosDBSqlRoleAssignment |
Creates a new CosmosDB Sql Role Assignment. |
New-AzCosmosDBSqlRoleDefinition |
Creates a new CosmosDB Sql Role Definition. |
New-AzCosmosDBSqlSpatialSpec |
Creates a new object of type PSSpatialSpec. It can be passed as a parameter value for Set-AzCosmosDBSqlIndexingPolicy. |
New-AzCosmosDBSqlStoredProcedure |
Creates a new CosmosDB Sql StoredProcedure. |
New-AzCosmosDBSqlTrigger |
Creates a new CosmosDB Sql Trigger. |
New-AzCosmosDBSqlUniqueKey |
Creates a new CosmosDB Sql UniqueKey object. |
New-AzCosmosDBSqlUniqueKeyPolicy |
Creates a new CosmosDB SqlUniqueKeyPolicy object. |
New-AzCosmosDBSqlUserDefinedFunction |
Creates a new CosmosDB Sql UserDefinedFunction. |
New-AzCosmosDBTable |
Creates a new CosmosDB Table. |
New-AzCosmosDBTableRoleAssignment |
Creates a new CosmosDB Table Role Assignment. |
New-AzCosmosDBTableRoleDefinition |
Creates a new CosmosDB Table Role Definition. |
New-AzCosmosDBTableToRestore |
Creates a new CosmosDB Table to Restore object(PSTableToRestore) |
New-AzCosmosDBVirtualNetworkRule |
Create a new CosmosDB VirtualNetworkRule Object(PSVirtualNetworkRule). |
New-AzManagedCassandraCluster |
Creates a new Azure Managed Instances for Apache Cassandra cluster. |
New-AzManagedCassandraDataCenter |
Create a new Azure Managed Instances for Apache Cassandra data center. |
Remove-AzCosmosDBAccount |
Remove a Cosmos DB Account. |
Remove-AzCosmosDBCassandraKeyspace |
Deletes a CosmosDB Cassandra Keyspace. |
Remove-AzCosmosDBCassandraTable |
Deletes a CosmosDB Cassandra Table. |
Remove-AzCosmosDBGremlinDatabase |
Deletes a CosmosDB Gremlin Database. |
Remove-AzCosmosDBGremlinGraph |
Deletes a CosmosDB Gremlin Graph. |
Remove-AzCosmosDBMongoDBCollection |
Deletes a CosmosDB MongoDB Collection. |
Remove-AzCosmosDBMongoDBDatabase |
Deletes a CosmosDB MongoDB Database. |
Remove-AzCosmosDBMongoDBRoleDefinition |
Deletes a CosmosDB MongoDB Database. |
Remove-AzCosmosDBMongoDBUserDefinition |
Deletes an existing CosmosDB MongoDB User Definition. |
Remove-AzCosmosDBService |
Deletes the CosmosDB Service. |
Remove-AzCosmosDBSqlContainer |
Deletes the CosmosDB Sql Container. |
Remove-AzCosmosDBSqlDatabase |
Deletes the CosmosDB Sql Database. |
Remove-AzCosmosDBSqlRoleAssignment |
Deletes the CosmosDB Sql Role Assignment. |
Remove-AzCosmosDBSqlRoleDefinition |
Deletes the CosmosDB Sql Role Definition. |
Remove-AzCosmosDBSqlStoredProcedure |
Deletes the CosmosDB Sql StoredProcedure. |
Remove-AzCosmosDBSqlTrigger |
Deletes the CosmosDB Sql Trigger. |
Remove-AzCosmosDBSqlUserDefinedFunction |
Deletes the CosmosDB Sql UserDefinedFunction. |
Remove-AzCosmosDBTable |
Deletes the CosmosDB Table. |
Remove-AzCosmosDBTableRoleAssignment |
Deletes the CosmosDB Table Role Assignment. |
Remove-AzCosmosDBTableRoleDefinition |
Deletes the CosmosDB Table Role Definition. |
Remove-AzManagedCassandraCluster |
Deletes a Azure Managed Instances for Apache Cassandra cluster. |
Remove-AzManagedCassandraDataCenter |
Deletes a Azure Managed Instances for Apache Cassandra data center. |
Restore-AzCosmosDBAccount |
Restores an existing CosmosDB account (live or deleted) to a given timestamp to a new account |
Restore-AzCosmosDBGremlinDatabase |
Restore a deleted gremlin database to a given timestamp in the same account |
Restore-AzCosmosDBGremlinGraph |
Restore a deleted gremlin graph in a database to a given timestamp in the same account |
Restore-AzCosmosDBMongoDBCollection |
Restore a deleted mongodb collection in a database to a given timestamp in the same account |
Restore-AzCosmosDBMongoDBDatabase |
Restore a deleted mongodb database to a given timestamp in the same account |
Restore-AzCosmosDBSqlContainer |
Restore a deleted sql container in a database to a given timestamp in the same account |
Restore-AzCosmosDBSqlDatabase |
Restore a deleted sql database to a given timestamp in the same account |
Restore-AzCosmosDBTable |
Restore a deleted table to a given timestamp in the same account |
Update-AzCosmosDBAccount |
Update a Cosmos DB Account attributes. |
Update-AzCosmosDBAccountFailoverPriority |
Update Failover Region Priority of a Cosmos DB Account. |
Update-AzCosmosDBAccountRegion |
Update Regions of a Cosmos DB Account. |
Update-AzCosmosDBCassandraKeyspace |
Updates the CosmosDB Cassandra Keyspace. Performs a client side patch operation by reading the existing Keyspace. |
Update-AzCosmosDBCassandraKeyspaceThroughput |
Updates the throughput value of a CosmosDB Cassandra Keyspace. |
Update-AzCosmosDBCassandraTable |
Updates the CosmosDB Cassandra Table. Performs a client side patch operation by reading the existing Table. |
Update-AzCosmosDBCassandraTableThroughput |
Updates the throughput value of a CosmosDB Cassandra Table. |
Update-AzCosmosDbClientEncryptionKey |
Updates the CosmosDB Client Encryption Key. Performs a client side patch operation by reading the existing Client Encryption Key. |
Update-AzCosmosDBGremlinDatabase |
Updates the CosmosDB Gremlin Database. Performs a client side patch operation by reading the existing Database. |
Update-AzCosmosDBGremlinDatabaseThroughput |
Updates the throughput value of a CosmosDB Gremlin Database. |
Update-AzCosmosDBGremlinGraph |
Updates the CosmosDB Gremlin Graph. Performs a client side patch operation by reading the existing Graph. |
Update-AzCosmosDBGremlinGraphThroughput |
Updates the throughput value of a CosmosDB Gremlin Graph. |
Update-AzCosmosDBMongoDBCollection |
Updates the CosmosDB MongoDB Collection. Performs a client side patch operation by reading the existing Collection. |
Update-AzCosmosDBMongoDBCollectionThroughput |
Updates the throughput value of a CosmosDB MongoDB Collection. |
Update-AzCosmosDBMongoDBDatabase |
Updates the CosmosDB MongoDB Database. Performs a client side patch operation by reading the existing Database. |
Update-AzCosmosDBMongoDBDatabaseThroughput |
Updates the throughput value of a CosmosDB MongoDB Database. |
Update-AzCosmosDBMongoDBRoleDefinition |
Update an existing CosmosDB MongoDB Role Definition. |
Update-AzCosmosDBMongoDBUserDefinition |
Update an existing CosmosDB MongoDB User Definition. |
Update-AzCosmosDBSqlContainer |
Updates the CosmosDB Sql Container. Performs a client side patch operation by reading the existing Container. |
Update-AzCosmosDBSqlContainerThroughput |
Updates the throughput value of a CosmosDB Sql Container. |
Update-AzCosmosDBSqlDatabase |
Updates the CosmosDB Sql Database. Performs a client side patch operation by reading the existing Database. |
Update-AzCosmosDBSqlDatabaseThroughput |
Updates the throughput value of a CosmosDB Sql Database. |
Update-AzCosmosDBSqlRoleAssignment |
Updates an existing CosmosDB Sql Role Assignment. |
Update-AzCosmosDBSqlRoleDefinition |
Updates an existing CosmosDB Sql Role Definition. |
Update-AzCosmosDBSqlStoredProcedure |
Updates the CosmosDB Sql StoredProcedure. Performs a client side patch operation by reading the existing StoredProcedure. |
Update-AzCosmosDBSqlTrigger |
Updates the CosmosDB Sql Trigger. Performs a client side patch operation by reading the existing Trigger. |
Update-AzCosmosDBSqlUserDefinedFunction |
Updates the CosmosDB Sql UserDefinedFunction. Performs a client side patch operation by reading the existing UserDefinedFunction. |
Update-AzCosmosDBTable |
Updates the CosmosDB Table. Performs a client side patch operation by reading the existing Table. |
Update-AzCosmosDBTableRoleAssignment |
Updates an existing CosmosDB Table Role Assignment. |
Update-AzCosmosDBTableRoleDefinition |
Updates an existing CosmosDB Table Role Definition. |
Update-AzCosmosDBTableThroughput |
Updates the throughput value of a CosmosDB Table. |
Update-AzManagedCassandraCluster |
Update an existing Azure Managed Instances for Apache Cassandra cluster. |
Update-AzManagedCassandraDataCenter |
Update an existing Azure Managed Instances for Apache Cassandra data center. |
Azure PowerShell