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Add the new format pane to a custom visual using API


To add the new Format pane to a custom visual, we recommend using formattingmodel utils.

Although we recommend using formattingmodel utils with the new format pane, this example demonstrates how to build a custom visual formatting model with one card using only the API.

Example: Formatting a data card

The card has two groups:

  • Font control group with one composite property
    • Font control
  • Data design group with two simple properties
    • Font color
    • Line alignment

First, add objects to capabilities file:

"objects": {
        "dataCard": {
            "properties": {
                "displayUnitsProperty": {
                        "formatting": {
                            "labelDisplayUnits": true
                "fontSize": { 
                    "type": {
                        "formatting": {
                            "fontSize": true
                "fontFamily": {
                    "type": {
                        "formatting": {
                            "fontFamily": true
                "fontBold": {
                    "type": {
                        "bool": true
                "fontUnderline": {
                    "type": {
                        "bool": true
                "fontItalic": {
                    "type": {
                        "bool": true
                "fontColor": {
                    "type": {
                        "fill": {
                            "solid": {
                                "color": true
                "lineAlignment": {
                    "type": {
                        "formatting": {
                            "alignment": true

Then, create the getFormattingModel

    public getFormattingModel(): powerbi.visuals.FormattingModel {
        // Building data card, We are going to add two formatting groups "Font Control Group" and "Data Design Group"
        let dataCard: powerbi.visuals.FormattingCard = {
            description: "Data Card Description",
            displayName: "Data Card",
            uid: "dataCard_uid",
            groups: []

        // Building formatting group "Font Control Group"
        // Notice that "descriptor" objectName and propertyName should match capabilities object and property names
        let group1_dataFont: powerbi.visuals.FormattingGroup = {
            displayName: "Font Control Group",
            uid: "dataCard_fontControl_group_uid",
            slices: [
                    uid: "dataCard_fontControl_displayUnits_uid",
                    displayName:"display units",
                    control: {
                        type: powerbi.visuals.FormattingComponent.Dropdown,
                        properties: {
                            descriptor: {
                                objectName: "dataCard",
                            value: 0
                // FontControl slice is composite slice, It means it contain multiple properties inside it
                    uid: "data_font_control_slice_uid",
                    displayName: "Font",
                    control: {
                        type: powerbi.visuals.FormattingComponent.FontControl,
                        properties: {
                            fontFamily: {
                                descriptor: {
                                    objectName: "dataCard",
                                    propertyName: "fontFamily"
                                value: "wf_standard-font, helvetica, arial, sans-serif"
                            fontSize: {
                                descriptor: {
                                    objectName: "dataCard",
                                    propertyName: "fontSize"
                                value: 16
                            bold: {
                                descriptor: {
                                    objectName: "dataCard",
                                    propertyName: "fontBold"
                                value: false
                            italic: {
                                descriptor: {
                                    objectName: "dataCard",
                                    propertyName: "fontItalic"
                                value: false
                            underline: {
                                descriptor: {
                                    objectName: "dataCard",
                                    propertyName: "fontUnderline"
                                value: false
        // Building formatting group "Font Control Group"
        // Notice that "descriptor" objectName and propertyName should match capabilities object and property names
        let group2_dataDesign: powerbi.visuals.FormattingGroup = {
            displayName: "Data Design Group",
            uid: "dataCard_dataDesign_group_uid",
            slices: [
                // Adding ColorPicker simple slice for font color
                    displayName: "Font Color",
                    uid: "dataCard_dataDesign_fontColor_slice",
                    control: {
                        type: powerbi.visuals.FormattingComponent.ColorPicker,
                        properties: {
                                objectName: "dataCard",
                                propertyName: "fontColor"
                            value: { value: "#01B8AA" }
                // Adding AlignmentGroup simple slice for line alignment
                    displayName: "Line Alignment",
                    uid: "dataCard_dataDesign_lineAlignment_slice",
                    control: {
                        type: powerbi.visuals.FormattingComponent.AlignmentGroup,
                        properties: {
                                objectName: "dataCard",
                                propertyName: "lineAlignment"
                            mode: powerbi.visuals.AlignmentGroupMode.Horizonal,
                            value: "right"

        // Add formatting groups to data card

        // Build and return formatting model with data card
        const formattingModel: powerbi.visuals.FormattingModel = { cards: [dataCard] };
        return formattingModel;

Here's the resulting pane:

Screenshot of format pane that results from the data card example.

Reset settings to default

The new format pane has the option to reset all formatting card properties values to default by clicking on the Reset to default button that appears in the open card.

Screenshot of format card reset to default button.

To enable this feature, add a list of formatting card properties descriptors to formatting card revertToDefaultDescriptors. The following the example shows how to add the reset to default button:

let dataCard: powerbi.visuals.FormattingCard = {
    displayName: "Data Card",
    // ... card parameters and groups list

    revertToDefaultDescriptors: [
            objectName: "dataCard",
            objectName: "dataCard",
            propertyName: "fontFamily"

        // ... the rest of properties descriptors 

Adding revertToDefaultDescriptors to formatting cards also makes it possible to reset all formatting cards properties at once by clicking on the reset all settings to default button in the top bar of the format pane:

Screenshot of format pane reset all settings to default button.

Formatting property selector

The optional selector in formatting properties descriptor determines where each property is bound in the dataView. There are four distinct options. Read about them in objects selectors types.


For more about the localization feature and to set up a localization environment see Add the local language to your Power BI visual Use the localization manager to format components that you want to localize:

displayName: this.localization.getDisplayName("Font_Color_DisplayNameKey");
description: this.localization.getDisplayName("Font_Color_DescriptionKey");

To localize formatting model utils formatting utils localization.

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