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FBI Most Wanted (Independent Publisher) (Preview)

This service offers an extensive database on FBI's most wanted individuals and art crimes, providing detailed profiles, appearance descriptions, crime details, and available rewards. It's designed for public safety awareness, aiding identification, and reporting of suspects.

This connector is available in the following products and regions:

Service Class Regions
Logic Apps Standard All Logic Apps regions except the following:
     -   Azure Government regions
     -   Azure China regions
     -   US Department of Defense (DoD)
Power Automate Premium All Power Automate regions except the following:
     -   US Government (GCC)
     -   US Government (GCC High)
     -   China Cloud operated by 21Vianet
     -   US Department of Defense (DoD)
Power Apps Premium All Power Apps regions except the following:
     -   US Government (GCC)
     -   US Government (GCC High)
     -   China Cloud operated by 21Vianet
     -   US Department of Defense (DoD)
Name Richard Wilson
URL https://www.richardawilson.com/
Email richard.a.wilson@microsoft.com
Connector Metadata
Publisher Richard Wilson
Website https://api.fbi.gov/docs#!/Wanted/get_wanted
Privacy policy https://www.fbi.gov/privacy-policy
Categories Data

Throttling Limits

Name Calls Renewal Period
API calls per connection 100 60 seconds


Get Data for Art Crime

Retrieve information on an art crime.

Get Data for Wanted Person

Retrieve information on a wanted person.

List Art Crimes

Get listing of national art thefts.

List Wanted Persons

Get listing of people wanted by the FBI.

Get Data for Art Crime

Retrieve information on an art crime.


Name Key Required Type Description
id True string

Enter the unique identifier (UID) for the art crime.



Get Data for Wanted Person

Retrieve information on a wanted person.


Name Key Required Type Description
id True string

Enter the unique identifier (UID) for the person.


List Art Crimes

Get listing of national art thefts.


Name Key Required Type Description
title string

Filter on the title of the art.

crimeCategory string

Filter on the category of the art.

maker string

Filter on who made the art.

Reference Number
referenceNumber string

Filter on the art crime reference number.

Page Size
pageSize integer

Enter the number of crimes to return per page.

page integer

Enter the results page you would like to retrieve.

Sort By
sort_on string

Specifies the field to sort results on. 'publication' for publication date or 'modified' for last modified date.

Sort Order
sort_order string

Specifies the direction of sorting results. 'desc' for descending order or 'asc' for ascending order.


Name Path Type Description
Total Art Crimes
total integer

Total number of art crimes tracked.

Page Number
page integer

Current page of art crime listings.

Art Crimes
items array of ArtCrime

A collection of art crimes.

List Wanted Persons

Get listing of people wanted by the FBI.


Name Key Required Type Description
Poster Classification
poster_classification string

Filter by the classification of the poster.

title string

Title of wanted person.

Field Office
field_offices string

Filter by responsible field office

Person Classification
person_classification string

Classification of the person.

status string

Filter by the status of the person.

Page Size
pageSize integer

Number of items to return.

page integer

Page of result listing.

Sort On
sort_on string

Specify the field to sort on.

Sort Order
sort_order string

Specify the order to sort by.


Name Path Type Description
Total Records
total integer

Total number of wanted records available.

Page Number
page integer

The page number of the current result set.

Wanted Individuals
items array of WantedPerson

A collection of wanted individuals.



Name Path Type Description
Record ID
@id string

Unique identifier for the wanted record in OData format.

Unique Identifier
uid string

A unique identifier for the individual.

title string

The title or name associated with the wanted individual.

description string

Description of the reason the individual is wanted.

images array of object

Collection of images associated with the wanted individual.

Image Caption
images.caption string

Caption describing the image.

Original Image URL
images.original string

URL to the original image.

Large Image URL
images.large string

URL to a larger version of the image.

Thumbnail Image URL
images.thumb string

URL to a thumbnail version of the image.

files array of object

Collection of files associated with the wanted individual.

File URL
files.url string

URL to access the file.

File Name
files.name string

Name of the file.

Warning Message
warning_message string

Warning message regarding the individual.

remarks string

Additional remarks about the wanted individual.

Detailed Information
details string

Detailed information about the wanted individual.

Additional Information
additional_information string

Any additional information available about the individual.

Caution Notice
caution string

Caution notice regarding the individual.

Reward Information
reward_text string

Information about any rewards offered for information leading to the individual's capture.

Minimum Reward
reward_min integer

Minimum reward amount offered.

Maximum Reward
reward_max integer

Maximum reward amount offered.

Dates of Birth Used
dates_of_birth_used array of string

List of dates of birth used by the wanted individual.

Languages Spoken
languages array of string

Languages spoken by the wanted individual.

Birth Place
place_of_birth string

Place of birth of the wanted individual.

Known Locations
locations array of string

Known locations associated with the wanted individual.

Field Offices
field_offices array of string

FBI field offices looking for the individual.

Legat Names
legat_names array of string

Legat names associated with the individual.

status string

Current status of the wanted individual.

person_classification string

Classification of the wanted person (e.g., main, accomplice).

NCIC Number
ncic string

NCIC number associated with the individual.

Minimum Age
age_min integer

Minimum age of the wanted individual.

Maximum Age
age_max integer

Maximum age of the wanted individual.

Minimum Weight
weight_min integer

Minimum weight of the wanted individual in pounds.

Maximum Weight
weight_max integer

Maximum weight of the wanted individual in pounds.

Minimum Height
height_min integer

Minimum height of the wanted individual in inches.

Maximum Height
height_max integer

Maximum height of the wanted individual in inches.

Eye Color
eyes string

Eye color of the wanted individual.

Hair Color
hair string

Hair color of the wanted individual.

build string

Build of the wanted individual.

sex string

Sex of the wanted individual.

race string

Race of the wanted individual.

nationality string

Nationality of the wanted individual.

Scars and Marks
scars_and_marks string

Description of any scars and marks.

complexion string

Complexion of the wanted individual.

occupations array of string

Known occupations of the wanted individual.

Possible Countries
possible_countries array of string

Countries where the individual may be found.

Possible States
possible_states array of string

States where the individual may be found.

Last Modified
modified string

The last date the record was updated.

Publication Date
publication string

Publication date of the wanted notice.

API Path
path string

API path for the specific wanted record.


Name Path Type Description
OData ID
@id string

Unique identifier of the art crime in OData format.

Unique Identifier
uid string

Unique identifier for the art crime.

title string

The title of the art piece involved in the crime.

Crime Description
description string

Description of the art crime.

images array of object

Collection of images related to the art crime.

Original Image URL
images.original string

URL to the original image.

Thumbnail Image URL
images.thumb string

URL to the thumbnail image.

crimeCategory string

Category of the art crime.

maker string

Creator of the art piece.

Materials Used
materials string

Materials used in the art piece.

measurements string

Measurements of the art piece.

Creation Period
period string

Time period when the art piece was created.

Additional Information
additionalData string

Additional information related to the art crime.

Last Modified
modified string

Date when the art crime record was last modified.

Publication Date
publication string

Date when the art crime was published.

API Path
path string

API path for accessing the art crime details.