
다음을 통해 공유

CycleCloud GridEngine Cluster

Open Grid Scheduler (Grid Engine) can easily be enabled on an Azure CycleCloud cluster by modifying the "run_list" in the cluster definition. The two basic components of a Grid Engine cluster are the 'master' node which provides a shared filesystem on which the Grid Engine software runs, and the 'execute' nodes which are the hosts that mount the shared filesystem and execute the jobs submitted. For example, a simple Grid Engine cluster template snippet may look like:

[cluster grid-engine]

[[node master]]
    ImageName = cycle.image.centos7
    MachineType = Standard_A4 # 8 cores

    run_list = role[sge_master_role]

[[nodearray execute]]
    ImageName = cycle.image.centos7
    MachineType = Standard_A1  # 1 core

    run_list = role[sge_execute_role]


The role names contain 'sge' for legacy reasons: Grid Engine was a product of Sun Microsystems.

Importing and starting a cluster with definition in CycleCloud will yield a single 'master' node. Execute nodes can be added to the cluster via the cyclecloud add_node command. For example, to add 10 more execute nodes:

cyclecloud add_node grid-engine -t execute -c 10

Grid Engine Autoscaling

Azure CycleCloud supports autoscaling for Grid Engine, which means that the software will monitor the status of your queue and turn on and off nodes as needed to complete the work in an optimal amount of time/cost. You can enable autoscaling for Grid Engine by adding Autoscale = true to your cluster definition:

[cluster grid-engine]
Autoscale = True

By default, all jobs submitted into the Grid Engine queue will run on machines of type 'execute', these are machines defined by the node array named 'execute'. You are not limited to the name 'execute', nor are you limited to a single type of machine configuration to run jobs and autoscale on.

As an example, a common case may be that you have a cluster with two different node definitions one is for running 'normal' jobs that consume standard CPU while another type of job may use GPU machines. In this case you would want to independently scale your queue by both normal jobs as well as GPU jobs to make sure you have an appropriate amount of each machine to consume the work queue. An example definition would be something like:

[cluster grid-engine]
Autoscale = True

[[node master]]
    ImageName = cycle.image.centos7
    MachineType = Standard_A3  # 4 cores

    run_list = role[sge_master_role]

[[nodearray execute]]
    ImageName = cycle.image.centos7
    MachineType = Standard_A4  # 8 cores

    run_list = role[sge_execute_role]

[[nodearray gpu]]
    MachineType = Standard_NV12 # 2 GPUs
    ImageName = cycle.image.centos7

    # Set the number of cores to the number of GPUs for autoscaling purposes
    CoreCount = 2  

    run_list = role[sge_execute_role]
    gridengine.slot_type = gpu
    gridengine.slots = 2

In the above example, there are now two node arrays: One is a 'standard' execute node array, the second is named 'gpu' providing a MachineType that has two Nvidia GPU's (Standard_NV12 in Azure). Also note that there are now two new items in the configuration section besides the 'csge:sgeexec' recipe. Adding gridengine.slot_type = gpu tells the Grid Engine scheduler that these nodes should be named 'gpu' nodes and thus should only run 'gpu' jobs. The name 'gpu' is arbitrary, but a name that describes the node is most useful. Set gridengine.slots = 2, which tells the software to make sure that this type of node can only run two jobs at once (Standard_NV12 only has 2 GPUs). By default the number of slots per node in Grid Engine will be the number of CPUs on the system which, in this case, would cause too many jobs to concurrently execute on the node. In the above example, CoreCount=2 is set on the nodearray to match the number of GPUs available on the MachineType, allowing CycleCloud to correctly scale that array on GPU vs CPU count.

You can verify the number of slots and slot_type your machines have by running the command:

    -bash-4.1# qstat -F slot_type
    queuename                      qtype resv/used/tot. load_avg arch          states
    all.q@ip-0A000404              BIP   0/0/4          0.17     linux-x64
    all.q@ip-0A000405              BIP   0/0/2          2.18     linux-x64
    all.q@ip-0A000406              BIP   0/0/4          0.25     linux-x64

Notice that there are one of each 'slot_type' that we specified (execute and gpu) and the number of slots for the 'execute' slot is 4, which is the number of CPUs on the machine. The number of slots for the 'gpu' slot type is 2, which we specified in our cluster configuration template. The third machine is the master node which does not run jobs.

Grid Engine Advanced Usage

The above configuration settings allow for advanced customization of nodes and node arrays. For example, if jobs require a specific amount of memory, say 10GB each, you can define an execute nodearray that starts machines with 60GB of memory, then add in the configuration options gridengine.slots = 6 to ensure that only 6 jobs can concurrently run on this type of node (ensuring that each job will have at least 10GB of memory to work with).

Grouped Nodes in Grid Engine

When a parallel job is submitted to grid engine, the default autoscale behavior that CycleCloud will use is to treat each MPI job as a grouped node request. Grouped nodes are tightly-coupled and ideally suited for MPI workflows.

When a set of grouped nodes join an Grid Engine cluster, the group id of each node is used as the value of the complex value affinity_group. By requiring an affinity_group to be specified for jobs, it allows the Grid Engine scheduler to ensure that jobs only land on machines that are in the same group.

CycleCloud's automation will automatically request grouped nodes and assign them to available affinity groups when parallel jobs are encountered.

Submitting Jobs to Grid Engine

The most generic way to submit jobs to a Grid Engine scheduler is the command:

qsub my_job.sh

This command will submit a job that will run on a node of type 'execute', that is a node defined by the nodearray 'execute'. To make a job run on a nodearray of a different type, for example the 'gpu' node type above, we modify our submission:

qsub -l slot_type=gpu my_gpu_job.sh

This command will ensure that the job only runs on a 'slot_type' of 'gpu'.

If slot_type is omitted, 'execute' will be automatically assigned to the job. The mechanism that automatically assigns slot_type's to jobs can be modified by the user. A python script located at /opt/cycle/jetpack/config/autoscale.py can be created which should define a single function "sge_job_handler". This function receives a dictionary representation of the job, similar to the output of a qstat -j JOB_ID command and should return a dictionary of hard resources that need to be updated for the job. As an example, below is a script which will assign a job to the 'gpu' slot_type if the jobs name contains the letters 'gpu'. This would allow a user to submit their jobs from an automated system without having to modify the job parameters and still have the jobs run on and autoscale the correct nodes:

#!/usr/env python
# File: /opt/cycle/jetpack/config/autoscale.py
def sge_job_handler(job):
  # The 'job' parameter is a dictionary containing the data present in a 'qstat -j JOB_ID':
    hard_resources = {'slot_type': 'execute', 'affinity_group' : 'default' }

  # Don't modify anything if the job already has a slot type
  # You could modify the slot type at runtime by not checking this
  if 'hard_resources' in job and 'slot_type' in job['hard_resources']:
      return hard_resources

  # If the job's script name contains the string 'gpu' then it's assumed to be a GPU job.
  # Return a dictionary containing the new job_slot requirement to be updated.
  # For example: 'big_data_gpu.sh' would be run on a 'gpu' node.
  if job['job_name'].find('gpu') != -1:
      hard_resources {'slot_type': 'gpu'}
      return hard_resources

The parameter 'job' passed in is a dictionary that contains the data in a qstat -j JOB_ID call:

    "job_number": 5,
    "job_name": "test.sh",
    "script_file": "test.sh",
    "account": "sge",
    "owner": "cluster.user",
    "uid": 100,
    "group": "cluster.user",
    "gid": 200,
    "submission_time": "2013-10-09T09:09:09",
    "job_args": ['arg1', 'arg2', 'arg3'],
    "hard_resources": {
       'mem_free': '15G',
       'slot_type': 'execute'

You can use this scripting functionality to automatically assign slot_type's based on any parameter defined in the job such as arguments, other resource requirements like memory, submitting user, etc.

If you were to submit 5 jobs of each 'slot_type':

qsub -t 1:5 gpu_job.sh
qsub -t 1:5 normal_job.sh

There would now be 10 jobs in the queue. Because of the script defined above, the five jobs with 'gpu' in the name would be automatically configured to only run on nodes of 'slot_type=gpu'. The CycleCloud autoscale mechanism would detect that there are 5 'gpu' jobs and 5 'execute' jobs. Since the 'gpu' nodearray is defined as having 2 slots per node, CycleCloud would start 3 of these nodes (5/2=2.5 rounded up to 3). There are 5 normal jobs, since the machine type for the 'execute' nodearray has 4 CPU's each, CycleCloud would start 2 of these nodes to handle the jobs (5/4=1.25 rounded up to 2). After a short period of time for the newly started nodes to boot and configure, all 10 jobs would run to completion and then the 5 nodes would automatically shutdown before you are billed again by the Cloud Provider.

Jobs are assumed to have a duration of one hour. If the job runtime is known the autoscale algorithm can benefit from this information. Inform autoscale of the expected job run time by adding it to the job context. The following example tells autoscale that the job runtime is on average 10 minutes:

qsub -ac average_runtime=10 job_with_duration_of_10m.sh

Grid Engine Configuration Reference

The following are the Grid Engine specific configuration options you can toggle to customize functionality:

SGE-Specific Configuration Options Description
gridengine.slots The number of slots for a given node to report to Grid Engine. The number of slots is the number of concurrent jobs a node can execute, this value defaults to the number of CPUs on a given machine. You can override this value in cases where you don't run jobs based on CPU but on memory, GPUs, etc.
gridengine.slot_type The name of type of 'slot' a node provides. The default is 'execute'. When a job is tagged with the hard resource 'slot_type=', that job will only run on a machine of the same slot type. This allows you to create different software and hardware configurations per node and ensure an appropriate job is always scheduled on the correct type of node.
gridengine.ignore_fqdn Default: true. Set to false if all the nodes in your cluster are not part of a single DNS domain.
gridengine.version Default: '2011.11'. This is the Grid Engine version to install and run. This is currently the default and only option. In the future additional versions of the Grid Engine software may be supported.
gridengine.root Default: '/sched/sge/sge-2011.11' This is where the Grid Engine will be installed and mounted on every node in the system. It is recommended this value not be changed, but if it is it should be set to the same value on every node in the cluster.

CycleCloud supports a standard set of autostop attributes across schedulers:

Attribute Description
cyclecloud.cluster.autoscale.stop_enabled Is autostop enabled on this node? [true/false]
cyclecloud.cluster.autoscale.idle_time_after_jobs The amount of time (in seconds) for a node to sit idle after completing jobs before it is scaled down.
cyclecloud.cluster.autoscale.idle_time_before_jobs The amount of time (in seconds) for a node to sit idle before completing jobs before it is scaled down.

Known Issues

  • qsh command for interactive session does not work. Use qrsh as an alternative.
  • The exclusive=1 complex is not respected by autoscale. Fewer nodes than expected may start as a result.


Even though Windows is an officially supported GridEngine platform, CycleCloud does not support running GridEngine on Windows at this time.

This page concerns capabilities and configuration of using (Altair) GridEngine with CycleCloud.

Configuring Resources

The cyclecloud-gridengine application matches sge resources to azure cloud resources to provide rich autoscaling and cluster configuration tools. The application will be deployed automatically for clusters created via the CycleCloud UI or it can be installed on any gridengine admin host on an existing cluster.

Installing or Upgrading cyclecloud-gridengine

The cyclecloud-gridengine bundle is available in github as a release artifact. Installing and upgrading will be the same process. The application requires python3 with virtualenv.

tar xzf cyclecloud-gridengine-pkg-*.tar.gz
cd cyclecloud-gridengine

Important Files

The application parses the sge configuration each time it's called - jobs, queues, complexes. Information is provided in the stderr and stdout of the command as well as to a log file, both at configurable levels. All gridengine management commands with arguments are logged to file as well.

Description Location
Autoscale Config /opt/cycle/gridengine/autoscale.json
Autoscale Log /opt/cycle/jetpack/logs/autoscale.log
qconf trace log /opt/cycle/jetpack/logs/qcmd.log

SGE queues, hostgroups and parallel environments

The cyclecloud-gridengine autoscale utility, azge, will add hosts to the cluster according to the cluster configuration. The autoscaling operations perform the following actions.

  1. Read the job resource request and find an appropriate VM to start
  2. Start the VM and wait for it to be ready
  3. Read the queue and parallel environment from the job
  4. Based on the queue/pe assign the host to an appropriate hostgroup
  5. Add the host to the cluster as well as to any other queue containing the hostgroup

Consider the following queue definition for a queue named short.q

hostlist              @allhosts @mpihg01 @mpihg02 @lowprio 
seq_no                10000,[@lowprio=10],[@mpihg01=100],[@mpihg02=200]
pe_list               NONE,[@mpihg01=mpi01], \

Submitting a job by qsub -q short.q -pe mpi02 12 my-script.sh will start at lease one VM, and when it's added to the cluster, it will join hostgroup @mpihg02 because that's the hostgroup both available to the queue and to the parallel environment. It will also be added to @allhosts, which is a special hostgroup.

Without specifying a pe, qsub -q short.q my-script.sh the resulting VM will be added to @allhosts and @lowpriority these are the hostgroups in the queue which aren't assigned pes.

Finally, a job submitted with qsub -q short.q -pe mpi0* 12 my-script.sh will result in a VM added to either @mpihg01 or @mpihg02 depending on CycleCloud allocation predictions.

Parallel environments implicitly equate to cyclecloud placement group. VMs in a PE are constrained to be within the same network. If you wish to use a PE that doesn't keep a placement group then use the autoscale.json to opt out.

Here we opt out of placement groups for the make pe:

"gridengine": {
    "pes": {
      "make": {
        "requires_placement_groups": false

CycleCloud Placement Groups

CycleCloud placement groups map one-to-one to Azure VMSS with SinglePlacementGroup - VMs in a placementgroup share an Infiniband Fabric and share only with VMs within the placement group. To intuitively preserve these silos, the placementgroups map 1:1 with gridengine parallel environment as well.

Specifying a parallel environment for a job will restrict the job to run in a placement group via smart hostgroup assignment logic. You can opt out of this behavior with the aforementioned configuration in autoscale.json : "required_placement_groups" : false.

Autoscale config

This plugin will automatically scale the grid to meet the demands of the workload. The autoscale.json config file determines the behavior of the Grid Engine autoscaler.

  • Set the cyclecloud connection details
  • Set the termination timer for idle nodes
  • Multi-dimensional autoscaling is possible, set which attributes to use in the job packing e.g. slots, memory
  • Register the queues, parallel environments and hostgroups to be managed
Configuration Type Description
url String CC URL
username/password String CC Connection Details
cluster_name String CC Cluster Name
default_resources Map Link a node resource to a Grid Engine host resource for autoscale
idle_timeout Int Wait time before terminating idle nodes (s)
boot_timeout Int Wait time before terminating nodes during long configuration phases (s)
gridengine.relevant_complexes List (String) Grid engine complexes to consider in autoscaling e.g. slots, mem_free
gridengine.logging File Location of logging config file
gridengine.pes Struct Specify behavior of PEs, e.g. requires_placement_group = false

The autoscaling program will only consider Relevant Resource

Additional autoscaling resource

By default, the cluster with scale based on how many slots are requested by the jobs. We can add another dimension to autoscaling.

Let's say we want to autoscale by the job resource request for m_mem_free.

  1. Add m_mem_free to the gridengine.relevant_resources in autoscale.json
  2. Link m_mem_free to the node-level memory resource in autoscale.json

These attributes can be references with node.* as the value in _default/resources.

Node Type Description
nodearray String Name of the cyclecloud nodearray
placement_group String Name of the cyclecloud placement group within a nodearray
vm_size String VM product name, e.g. "Standard_F2s_v2"
vcpu_count Int Virtual CPUs available on the node as indicated on individual product pages
pcpu_count Int Physical CPUs available on the node
memory String Approximate physical memory available in the VM with unit indicator, e.g. "8.0g"

Additional attributes are in the node.resources.* namespace, e.g. `node.resources.

Node Type Description
ncpus String Number of CPUs available in in the VM
pcpus String Number of physical CPUs available in the VM
ngpus Integer Number of GPUs available in the VM
memb String Approximate physical memory available in the VM with unit indicator, e.g. "8.0b"
memkb String Approximate physical memory available in the VM with unit indicator, e.g. "8.0k"
memmb String Approximate physical memory available in the VM with unit indicator, e.g. "8.0m"
memgb String Approximate physical memory available in the VM with unit indicator, e.g. "8.0g"
memtb String Approximate physical memory available in the VM with unit indicator, e.g. "8.0t"
slots Integer Same as ncpus
slot_type String Addition label for extensions. Not generally used.
m_mem_free String Expected free memory on the execution host, e.g. "3.0g"
mfree String Same as _m/_mem/free

Resource Mapping

There are also maths available to the default_resources - reduce the slots on a particular node array by two and add the docker resource to all nodes:

    "default_resources": [
      "select": {"node.nodearray": "beegfs"},
      "name": "slots",
      "value": "node.vcpu_count",
      "subtract": 2
      "select": {},
      "name": "docker",
      "value": true

Mapping the node vCPUs to the slots complex, and memmb to mem_free are commonly used defaults. The first association is required.

    "default_resources": [
      "select": {},
      "name": "slots",
      "value": "node.vcpu_count"
      "select": {},
      "name": "mem_free",
      "value": "node.resources.memmb"

Note that if a complex has a shortcut not equal to the entire value, then define both in default_resources where physical_cpu is the complex name:

"default_resources": [
      "select": {},
      "name": "physical_cpu",
      "value": "node.pcpu_count"
      "select": {},
      "name": "pcpu",
      "value": "node.resources.physical_cpu"

Ordering is important when you want a particular behavior for a specific attribute. To allocate a single slot for a specific nodearray while retaining default slot count for all other nodearrays:

    "default_resources": [
      "select": {"node.nodearray": "FPGA"},
      "name": "slots",
      "value": "1",
      "select": {},
      "name": "slots",
      "value": "node.vcpu_count"


The CycleCloud autoscaler, in attempting to satisfy job requirements, will map nodes to the appropriate hostgroup. Queues, parallel environments and complexes are all considered. Much of the logic is matching the appropriate cyclecloud bucket (and node quantity) with the appropriate sge hostgroup.

For a job submitted as: qsub -q "cloud.q" -l "m_mem_free=4g" -pe "mpi*" 48 ./myjob.sh

CycleCloud will find get the intersection of hostgroups which:

  1. Are included in the pe_list for cloud.q and match the pe name, e.g. pe_list [@allhosts=mpislots],[@hpc1=mpi].
  2. Have adequate resources and subscription quota to provide all job resources.
  3. Are not filtered by the hostgroup constraints configuration.

It's possible that multiple hostgroups will meet these requirements, in which case the logic will need to choose. There are three ways to resolve ambiguities in hostgroup membership:

  1. Configure the queues so that there aren't ambiguities.
  2. Add constraints to autoscale.json.
  3. Let CycleCloud choose amoungst the matching hostgroups in a name-ordered fashion by adjusting weight_queue_host_sort < weight_queue_seqno in the scheduler configuration.
  4. Set seq_no 10000,[@hostgroup1=100],[@hostgroup2=200] in the queue configuration to indicate a hostgroup preference.

Hostgroup constraints

When multiple hostgroups are defined by a queue or xproject then all these hostgroups can potentially have the hosts added to them. You can limit what kinds of hosts can be added to which queues by setting hostgroup constraints. Set a constraint based on the node properties.

"gridengine": {
    "hostgroups": {
      "@mpi": {
        "constraints": {
          "node.vm_size": "Standard_H44rs"
      "@amd-mem": {
        "constraints" : { 
            "node.vm_size": "Standard_D2_v3",
            "node.nodearray": "hpc" 

HINT: Inspect all the available node properties by azge buckets.


This package comes with a command-line, azge. This program should be used to perform autoscaling and has broken out all the subprocesses under autoscale. These commands rely on the gridengine environment variables to be set - you must be able to call qconf and qsub from the same profile where azge is called.

azge commands Description
validate Checks for known configuration errors in the autoscaler or gridengine
jobs Shows all jobs in the queue
buckets Shows available resource pools for autoscaling
nodes Shows cluster hosts and properties
demand Matches job requirements to cyclecloud buckets and provides autoscale result
autoscale Does full autoscale, starting and removing nodes according to configurations

When modifying scheduler configurations (qconf) or autoscale configurations (autoscale.json), or even setting up for the first time, azge can be used to check autoscale behavior is matching expections. As root, you can run the following operations. It's advisable to get familiar with these to understand the autoscale behavior.

  1. Run azge validate to verify configurations for known issues.
  2. Run azge buckets to examine what resources your CycleCloud cluster is offering.
  3. Run azge jobs to inspect the queued job details.
  4. Run azge demand perform the job to bucket matching, examine which jobs get matched to which buckets and hostgroups.
  5. Run azge autoscale to kickoff the node allocation process, or add nodes which are ready to join.

Then, when these commands are behaving as expected, enable ongoing autoscale by adding the azge autoscale command to the root crontab. (Souce the gridengine environment variables)

* * * * * . $SGE_ROOT/common/settings.sh && /usr/local/bin/azge autoscale -c /opt/cycle/gridengine/autoscale.json

Creating a hybrid cluster

CycleCloud will support the scenario of bursting to the cloud. The base configuration assumes that the $SGE_ROOT directory is available to the cloud nodes. This assumption can be relaxed by setting gridengine.shared.spool = false, gridengine.shared.bin = false and installing GridEngine locally. For a simple case, you should provide a filesystem that can be mounted by the execute nodes which contains the $SGE_ROOT directory and configure that mount in the optional settings. When the dependency of the sched and shared directories are released, you can shut down the scheduler node that is part of the cluster by-default and use the configurations from the external filesystem.

  1. Create a new gridengine cluster.
  2. Disable return proxy.
  3. Replace /sched and /shared with external filesystems.
  4. Save the cluster.
  5. Remove the scheduler node as an action in the UI.
  6. Start the cluster, no nodes will start initially.
  7. Configure cyclecloud-gridengine with autoscale.json to use the new cluster

Using Univa Grid Engine in CycleCloud

CycleCloud project for GridEngine uses sge-2011.11 by default. You may use your own Altair GridEngine installers according to your Altair license agreement.
This section documents how to use Altair GridEngine with the CycleCloud GridEngine project.


This example will use the 8.6.1-demo version, but all ge versions > 8.4.0 are supported.

  1. Users must provide UGE binaries
  • ge-8.6.x-bin-lx-amd64.tar.gz
  • ge-8.6.x-common.tar.gz
  1. The CycleCloud CLI must be configured. Documentation is available here

Copy the binaries into the cloud locker

A complementary version of AGE (8.6.7-demo) is distributed with CycleCloud. To use another version upload the binaries to the storage account that CycleCloud uses.

$ azcopy cp ge-8.6.12-bin-lx-amd64.tar.gz https://<storage-account-name>.blob.core.windows.net/cyclecloud/gridengine/blobs/
$ azcopy cp ge-8.6.12-common.tar.gz https://<storage-account-name>.blob.core.windows.net/cyclecloud/gridengine/blobs/

Modifying configs to the cluster template

Make a local copy of the gridengine template and modify it to use the UGE installers instead of the default.

wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Azure/cyclecloud-gridengine/master/templates/gridengine.txt

In the gridengine.txt file, locate the first occurrence of [[[configuration]]] and insert text such that it matches the snippet below. This file is not sensitive to indentation.

NOTE: The details in the configuration, particularly version, should match the installer file name.

[[[configuration gridengine]]]
    make = ge
    version = 8.6.12-demo
    root = /sched/ge/ge-8.6.12-demo
    cell = "default"
    sge_qmaster_port = "537"
    sge_execd_port = "538"
    sge_cluster_name = "grid1"
    gid_range = "20000-20100"
    qmaster_spool_dir = "/sched/ge/ge-8.6.12-demo/default/spool/qmaster" 
    execd_spool_dir = "/sched/ge/ge-8.6.12-demo/default/spool"
    spooling_method = "berkeleydb"
    shadow_host = ""
    admin_mail = ""
    idle_timeout = 300

    managed_fs = true
    shared.bin = true

    ignore_fqdn = true
    group.name = "sgeadmin"
    group.gid = 536
    user.name = "sgeadmin"
    user.uid = 536
    user.gid = 536
    user.description = "SGE admin user"
    user.home = "/shared/home/sgeadmin"
    user.shell = "/bin/bash"

These configs will override the default gridengine version and installation location when the cluster starts. It is not safe to move off of the /sched as it's a specifically shared nfs location in the cluster.