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WSUS Product Team Blog

Information on recent and upcoming changes to WSUS, straight from the team making them

Hi Again WSUS Admins! Not sure if you noticed in todays' release yet, but by popular demand, we are...

Author: WSUS Team Date: 04/25/2006

New "MU" Service Team Blog site

Hi Folks- Sunny Seattle weather….very rare, but nothing better!!! True spring time – can it be were...

Author: WSUS Team Date: 04/25/2006

WSUS 3.0 - Developers' Blog - Who is at MMS?

Are you at MMS this week? If so, we'd love to hear your impressions of the WSUS presentations. It's...

Author: WSUS Team Date: 04/24/2006

WSUS 3.0: Developers' Blog: MMC & WSUS (Part 1)

As promised, some thoughts on one of the key technologies used in the next version of WSUS's UI....

Author: WSUS Team Date: 04/20/2006

A developer's point of view on WSUS 3.0...

I've promised Bobbie that I'll try to get into the community a little more, and give the Developers'...

Author: WSUS Team Date: 04/18/2006

New Windows Live product cateogory

Today you will see a new product category in WSUS for Windows Live™. Windows Live™ online services...

Author: WSUS Team Date: 04/17/2006

Windows Vista Dynamic Installer product category coming to WSUS today

Hello folks; Good news comes in three's, and this is the 3rd new product category this week. Today...

Author: WSUS Team Date: 03/24/2006

Another new product category for Windows Internet Explorer 7.0 beta

Windows Internet Explorer 7.0 Dynamic Installer will as of today’s synchronization, show up as a new...

Author: WSUS Team Date: 03/21/2006

New Product Category for Microsoft Client Protection

Today you will see a new product category in your WSUS synchronization options dialog, Microsoft...

Author: WSUS Team Date: 03/21/2006

New location to find information about WSUS updates

Hi folks: Just wanted to get you up to speed on some update information were trying to make more...

Author: WSUS Team Date: 02/27/2006

Update status Installed vs. Not Applicable

We have been investigating reports that client status for Windows Media Player security updates,...

Author: WSUS Team Date: 02/27/2006

New Product Category in WSUS synch Options

Starting today, Monday 2/20/06 you will be able to see a new category in your WSUS synchronization...

Author: WSUS Team Date: 02/20/2006

Issue with MS06-007 and 913446 install failure - Rectified

After the release of MS06-007 today (Tuesday 14 February 2006) , Microsoft became aware of an issue...

Author: WSUS Team Date: 02/14/2006

New updates available for beta2 Windows Defender today

Hey Folks- Haven't had much news lately. We've all been a bit long in the chin since the SuperBowl...

Author: WSUS Team Date: 02/13/2006

New Product Category & Classification for Windows Defender

WSUS Admins, Today you will see a new product category and update classification in your WSUS...

Author: WSUS Team Date: 01/16/2006

new version of SUS1.0/SP1 Approval Analyzer Tool posted

Today, Microsoft released an updated version of the Approval Analyzer tool and updated the Knowledge...

Author: WSUS Team Date: 12/20/2005

SUS 1.0/SP1 Approval Analyzer Script Issue

Microsoft has been made aware of an issue with the Approval Analyzer. We have removed this tool from...

Author: WSUS Team Date: 12/15/2005

Script released to assist in resetting SUS approvals-912307

Just an update the SUS 1.0 Approval issue after synching with WU for theupdates released 12/13/05.We...

Author: WSUS Team Date: 12/15/2005

SUS 1.0/SP1 issue after synching 12/13/05 updates

If you synchronize your SUS 1.0 SP1 server after Dec 12, 2005 all previously approved updates may be...

Author: WSUS Team Date: 12/14/2005

IMF update synched to WSUS 12/6/05

Hi WSUS admins, Many of you have asked what the IMF Exchange update is about and why is it not...

Author: WSUS Team Date: 12/08/2005

New WSUS product category coming

WSUS Admins: I wanted to let you know about a new product category you will be able to see in your...

Author: WSUS Team Date: 11/29/2005

Implementing WSUS with ISA Server 2004 to manage remote clients

This paper describes an implementation using WSUS in combination with ISA 2004, to extend an...

Author: WSUS Team Date: 10/21/2005

New Revision to be released for Office 2003 SP2

WSUS Admin update - A new (2nd) revision will be published for the Office 2003 SP2. In the previous...

Author: WSUS Team Date: 10/20/2005

The upcoming MVP Summitt

This year's MVP Global Summitt is going to be awesome for the Software Distribution team and our...

Author: WSUS Team Date: 09/23/2005

Client DCOM access issue - preventing installation

Some new information in on client troubleshooting - A Customer has reported one or more clients...

Author: WSUS Team Date: 09/23/2005

Using a SQL cluster as the WSUS backend

We've had some customer requests for backend SQL cluster support in the next version of WSUS....

Author: WSUS Team Date: 09/23/2005

New Information on Office Administrative Install Points and WSUS update support

There has been some confusion on why WSUS does not detect for and update needed Office Updates on...

Author: WSUS Team Date: 09/23/2005

Rob Dunn's - Beginner WSUS Admin FAQ

Pretty much a stellar compilation of information on WSUS setup, administration and operations from...

Author: WSUS Team Date: 08/26/2005

Migrating_Updating WSUS W/MSDE dbase to full version SQL

We have posted a draft for the steps to update or migrate a WSUS MSDE or WMSDE database to a full...

Author: WSUS Team Date: 08/24/2005

WSUS install proceedure - OEM preconfigured SBS 2003 systems

WSUS installation failures have been reported on some OEM preconfigured SBS 2003 systems....

Author: WSUS Team Date: 08/24/2005

Client script samples

Client script samples are making life easier when managing AU across environments. Check out the...

Author: WSUS Team Date: 08/01/2005

Optional content availability clarification

Folks have been asking what is the difference between the types of updates available for direct...

Author: WSUS Team Date: 08/01/2005

WSUS client configuration checks and known issues

Watching various forums and newsgroups there are some common trends related to missed configuration...

Author: WSUS Team Date: 07/29/2005

Welcome to the REAL WSUS Product Team Blog

Forget that Bobbie_Harder blog......THIS is the REAL WSUS product team blog where we will be posting...

Author: WSUS Team Date: 07/29/2005
