New ISA product cateogory - no new updates available to WSUS for this category.....yet
There will be a new product category added to your WSUS server under the “Internet Security and Acceleration Server” family. The new category will be titled “Internet Security and Acceleration Server 2006”. The category will allow updates to be offered to “Internet Security and Acceleration Server 2006” product family. For now, updates that use these categories will not be available via WSUS.
September 05, 2008
There will be a new product category added to your WSUS server under the “Internet Security and Acceleration Server” family. The new category will be titled “Internet Security and Acceleration Server 2006”. The category will allow updates to be offered to “Internet Security and Acceleration Server 2006” product family. For now, updates that use these categories will not be availableAnonymous
December 11, 2008 Dell Inspiron 1501 Dell Inspiron 1520 Dell Inspiron 1521Anonymous
January 02, 2009 mirc indir mirc yükle mirc downloandAnonymous
January 02, 2009 mirc indir mirc yükle mirc downloandAnonymous
January 07, 2009
Thank's http://www.ircask.comAnonymous
February 06, 2009
Kader ağları örene kadar..... Huh ?Anonymous
July 31, 2009
nasil olcak bu is ? Hiphop, Rap, Ceza, sagopa, Kolera Hiphop, Rap, Gekko G AnimasyonAnonymous
February 22, 2010
bağkur ssk sorgulama sitesidir.Anonymous
February 22, 2010
ligtv canlı maç izleme sitesidir.Anonymous
October 11, 2011
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