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Real blogs on real topics?

MJF offers advice about how Microsoft could fix its troubles. In “2. Face the hate” she suggests Microsoft should “launch real blogs on real topics by real people.” What the heck is she talking about?

On last count we have more than 3000 weblogs on blogs.msdn.com and 500+ on blogs.technet.com.

Don’t know if she’s suggesting we MS bloggers are Ballmer controlled ants or if our legal and marketing folks tell us what to write. Many of these guys have their own blogs and talk about real topics.

Scoble is gone, but he wasn’t the only real MS blogger talking about real topics at Microsoft.


  • Anonymous
    July 10, 2006
    I think she means posts like this: http://blogs.msdn.com/winfs/archive/2006/06/23/644706.aspx

    These sorts of posts ruin the work of the "real" bloggers by perpetuating the image that Microsoft is some big marketing machine trying to put a nice spin on bad news (in this case, that a relation filesystem is no longer going to be included in Windows - at least in the foreseeable future).

    I'll agree there's plenty of "real" bloggers at Microsoft. But there's also a few who ruin the image for the rest of you. These sorts of "announcements" should be made explicitly through the proper channels, and leave the blogs for people's PERSONAL commentary.