다음을 통해 공유

The New ACS on CloudCover


This week Steve was at Mobile/Cloud Connections in Vegas presenting on WP7 and Windows Azure. Wade kindly invited me to co-host Cloud Cover for this week, and I happily jumped on the opportunity to shed more light on the new ACS and spread the Sesame + ACS tip I’ve learned from Justin. I took the task of substituting Steve very seriously, but I failed pretty fast (within 20 seconds or so Smile). Thank you Wade & Steve for having me and for the LOLz :)

Here there’s the caption from the ch9 pages. Have fun!

Join Wade and Steve each week as they cover the Windows Azure Platform. You can follow and interact with the show @CloudCoverShow .

In this episode, Vittorio Bertocci joins Wade as they explore the Umbraco Accelerator for Windows Azure . The accelerator is designed to make it easy to deploy Umbraco applications into Windows Azure, allowing users to benefit from automated service deployment, reduced administration, and the high availability & scalability provided by Windows Azure. Additionally, Vittorio discusses last week's launch of the Access Control Service 2.0.

In the news:

Get the Sesame Data Browser from Vittorio's tip