Vittorio Bertocci
Scatter thoughts
Peer Authentication
The p2p capabilities in Vista and WCF are going to have a HUGE impact. The chance of leveraging...
Author: Vittorio Bertocci - MSFT Date: 03/14/2006
Blogging from more that 10.000 mt of altitude, at 729 Km/h
Well guys, it's done. The last sanctuary of the always connected is gone. I'm happily flying from...
Author: Vittorio Bertocci - MSFT Date: 02/20/2006
Webcast on Infocard and Financial Services
Hello all! BillG mentions Infocard during the RSA conference, and suddenly this technology...
Author: Vittorio Bertocci - MSFT Date: 02/15/2006
When grid is effective: narrow pipes, huge skulls
It's like Jim says: "The ideal mobile task is stateless (needs no database or database access), has...
Author: Vittorio Bertocci - MSFT Date: 01/17/2006
Blogs can townitize!
See, my home town is a wonderful small place on the north coast; in t he summer it's impossible to...
Author: Vittorio Bertocci - MSFT Date: 01/04/2006
How Infocard prevents phishing, in practice
I recently had a hot debate about how Infocard prevents phising; now everytime I see the "What's in...
Author: Vittorio Bertocci - MSFT Date: 12/31/2005
Ahhh, finally. Getting a personalized plate was one of the things I was looking for when I relocated...
Author: Vittorio Bertocci - MSFT Date: 12/22/2005
bromio & 64 bits
Today my most excellent colleagues Volker, Neil and Trudy sent me what I can define as just the last...
Author: Vittorio Bertocci - MSFT Date: 12/19/2005
The meaning of the symbol
I'd like to thank everybody who gave feedback about the symbol I've proposed in the last post. The...
Author: Vittorio Bertocci - MSFT Date: 12/05/2005
Small visual test: what does it represent?
Hello everybody [:)] before re-heating up the discussion on SO, I thought I could use a little help...
Author: Vittorio Bertocci - MSFT Date: 12/01/2005
WS-Survey is upon us
Now it's the moment to make YOUR vision count! Let us know what is your take on Connected Systems...
Author: Vittorio Bertocci - MSFT Date: 11/24/2005
The church of t4T
Hello there.I'd like to surface a debate I had recently about the application of the four tenets, or...
Author: Vittorio Bertocci - MSFT Date: 11/06/2005
Internet, Intranet, Extranet... and Federnet
Hi there!This may be a bit ahead of its time, and it will sound to many as an exercise in empty...
Author: Vittorio Bertocci - MSFT Date: 10/20/2005
InfoCard and CT imagery
When I was dealing with the first years of my CS degree, I complained all the time that most of the...
Author: Vittorio Bertocci - MSFT Date: 10/19/2005
maybe a bit stale, but still noteworthy: WS-Management flies toward standardization
Among the tons of things which happened during my blogout (from "blackout": neologism indicating a...
Author: Vittorio Bertocci - MSFT Date: 10/14/2005
Mobile delight
You may or not may believe it, but I'm writing this post from my new JasJar!!! Everything works...
Author: Vittorio Bertocci - MSFT Date: 10/14/2005
OASIS forms a committee on Web Services transaction standards (WS-TX)
Yet another piece goes to its place.WS-Coordination, WS-AtomicTransaction and WS-BusinessActivity...
Author: Vittorio Bertocci - MSFT Date: 10/13/2005
The world is upside down...
...or at least is shifted 9 hours back :-) The reason of my long silence lies in the fact that I...
Author: Vittorio Bertocci - MSFT Date: 10/11/2005
Sometimes agenda can be revealing
I don't know if you are familiar with the meaning of the word which appears in the agenda section...
Author: Vittorio Bertocci - MSFT Date: 07/24/2005
Developing Distributed Services Today
Check out the long awaited whitepaper from Richard about producing distributed systems TODAY.
Author: Vittorio Bertocci - MSFT Date: 07/20/2005
Service Orientation Patterns: Web Service Security Pattern
Don and Jason (do you have a blog, Jason? I'd love to put you in my sharpreader!) just opened to...
Author: Vittorio Bertocci - MSFT Date: 07/19/2005
"proveremo un'attrazione irresistibile per una nuova terra, al di là della Grande Acqua... dove ci...
Author: Vittorio Bertocci - MSFT Date: 07/18/2005
I have been xmlcoverpaged... again!!!
Some time ago I had the honor to be cited by the xmlcoverpages article about the new...
Author: Vittorio Bertocci - MSFT Date: 07/18/2005
"...eons from now, we will feel an irresistible pull to a faraway land -- to fight for the Prize!!!"...
Author: Vittorio Bertocci - MSFT Date: 07/18/2005
WS-Trust, WS-SecureConversation & WS-SecurityPolicy headed to OASIS in September
This is very good news! Check it out here. BTW: if you want a quick intro to the new features of the...
Author: Vittorio Bertocci - MSFT Date: 07/15/2005
WS-SecurityPolicy: il Bignami
WS-SecurityPolicy is a very interesting specification. It really shows that it incorporated the...
Author: Vittorio Bertocci - MSFT Date: 07/14/2005
WS-SecurityPolicy enters modern times
Sweeping the recent headlines feed of MSDN can be rewarding: for example, today I just discovered...
Author: Vittorio Bertocci - MSFT Date: 07/13/2005
Developing applications for Windows Media Center Webcast
Hello English speaking readers. I apologize for that entry in Italian of few days ago. It was about...
Author: Vittorio Bertocci - MSFT Date: 07/07/2005
Today, pretty much by accident, I discovered that an article of the Business Integration Journal...
Author: Vittorio Bertocci - MSFT Date: 07/07/2005
Sviluppo di applicazioni per Windows Media Center: IL WEBCAST :-)
Chissà quanti potenziali sviluppatori Media Center hanno indirizzato improperi alla mia foto con...
Author: Vittorio Bertocci - MSFT Date: 07/02/2005
WS-Fish? :-)
Hello all. I hope you'll forgive me, but the heat wave and my current level of sleep deprivation...
Author: Vittorio Bertocci - MSFT Date: 06/24/2005
Fabio Santini's house on the internet
Heilà. Conoscerete sicuramente Fabio Santini, personaggio d'eccezione sia per competenza che per...
Author: Vittorio Bertocci - MSFT Date: 06/18/2005
WSE3 CTP is here
ta dahhhh! I just went to the MSDN house of WSes, and guess what I've found!...
Author: Vittorio Bertocci - MSFT Date: 06/03/2005
Very good WS-* book from Felipe and Chris
I have in my hand an hardcopy of the last book from Felipe and Chris, and it feels good. Title: "Web...
Author: Vittorio Bertocci - MSFT Date: 06/02/2005
Who will identify the indentities?
OK, title is sort of a notation abuse but it's for euphony with the former post :-)Fact is, the...
Author: Vittorio Bertocci - MSFT Date: 05/15/2005
Who will federate the federators?
...themselves!The web SSO interoperability profile throws a bridge between WS-Federation and Liberty...
Author: Vittorio Bertocci - MSFT Date: 05/13/2005
A boundary full of stuff
Have you watched the last MSDN TV episode with Richard Turner? It's a short but instructive view, I...
Author: Vittorio Bertocci - MSFT Date: 05/06/2005
WS-* synoptic table
Did you ever wished to have a springboard from where you can access all the WS-* specs which are...
Author: Vittorio Bertocci - MSFT Date: 04/27/2005
Link list to the WS-* (27/4/2005)
Security Messaging Metadata ReliableMessaging - Transactions WS-Security: SOAP Message Security...
Author: Vittorio Bertocci - MSFT Date: 04/27/2005
End to End security, or why you shouldn't drive your motorcycle naked
Brace yourself, here there's another coming :-) Today I had to explain to my girlfriend the...
Author: Vittorio Bertocci - MSFT Date: 04/25/2005
L'Arte del Mutamento al Palazzo Ducale
Venerdì mi sono fatto un giretto a Genova, per sbrigare un po' di sana burocrazia universitaria. Ho...
Author: Vittorio Bertocci - MSFT Date: 04/23/2005
No kidding. WS-RM goes to OASIS
Seeing is believing....
Author: Vittorio Bertocci - MSFT Date: 04/19/2005
Wait a sec, it can't be 2 years...
...but apparently it is.2 years that I blog. And some weeks that I blog just weirdness. I will try...
Author: Vittorio Bertocci - MSFT Date: 04/14/2005
'Data is not information; information is not knowledge; knowledge is not wisdom'
Always loved this quote from Cliff Stoll & Gary Schubert.I may or may not agree, but certainly I...
Author: Vittorio Bertocci - MSFT Date: 04/13/2005
Visual Studio 8 and Eye Candies
Back to the university time, before my call to the enterprise problems, I was a maniac of everything...
Author: Vittorio Bertocci - MSFT Date: 04/10/2005