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CardSpace and OSS

A customer asked me to forward him some info about how CardSpace is being received by the industry. The bunch of links below is by no mean complete, I'm waaaay too sleepy for hoping to compile a decent list, however those articles should be enough for getting an idea. Feel free to post the links you think should have a place in this post :)

Top Tech News, about the Open Specification Promise & CardSpace

Higgins, an eclipse.org open source project "complementary to cardspace"

OSIS, an open source project whose mission is "to deliver an open-source identity selector as a joint effort of multiple projects, which is intended to be at least as functional, and fully compatible, with Microsoft's CardSpace (formerly known as InfoCard) identity selector that will be shipped with Windows Vista". Steering comittee includes people from Sun, CA, NetMesh, Apache, Verisign, Ping, Skip, Shibboleth, IBM, Novel, OASIS, Red Hat, Oracle...

Linux Journal article on CardSpace and the metasystem, by Doc Searls

Another Linux Journal article about open source identity selectors

The Wired article where Laurence Lessig writes the famous quote "Now, with the debut of the Info�Card identity management system, Microsoft is leading a network-wide effort to address the issue. To those of us long skeptical of the technology giant's intentions, the plan seems too good to be true. Yet the solution is not only right, it could be the most important contribution to Internet security since cryptography"

Richard on Firefox and CardSpace


  • Anonymous
    December 14, 2006
    Afgelopen maandag verzorgden we een track op de SDE rondom versie 3.0 van het .NET Framework. Mijn bijdrage...