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Blogging over breakfast

The best public sector IT blogsLast year I was surprised and pleased to learn that I’d somehow made it to become the Computer Weekly 2008 Public Sector blogger of the year (for my Schools blog). And it led to me running a few internal training sessions for Microsoft people, talking about blogging and offering advice for people who are considering starting blogging, or had made some first tentative steps.

A colleague suggested that I should offer the same session to other people – so here’s the invitation!

On 15th April, I’m going to run a “Blogging over Breakfast” session at our offices in central London, for unexperienced or less experienced bloggers – if you’ve always itched to tell your story, then this may be for you. It’s not going to be about the technology of blogging, but will focus on generic advice on blogging in the UK Public Sector. I’ll cover a bunch of things from the basics of sitting down to write, to information on the Civil Service code on blogging.

I’m hoping that we can make the session quite interactive, and limit to a maximum of 14 people. It will be suitable for you if you want to:

  • Help a group of people keep in touch
  • Sell an idea (or something else)
  • Make your organisation look good
  • Share good practice
  • Get something off your chest
  • Want to campaign for something (like Jerry Fishenden)
  • Want to make people laugh (like David Salaguinto)
  • …or other reasons

I’ve scheduled it during the Easter week, as it might be quieter, and easier to pop down to Victoria. It’ll be a small group – and I’ll allocate places on a first-come, first-served basis.

The details: 15th April, 8:30-10:30 at the Microsoft offices at 100 Victoria Street, London

If you’d like to come along, then drop me an email.

If I’ve got it wrong, and you could only make it during term-time, then flame me with an email, and if I get enough requests, I’ll add another date.

I’ll buy the coffees and the breakfast – you just bring your ideas to contribute to the conversation


  • Anonymous
    March 11, 2009
    Congratulations, and good luck on your training session.