다음을 통해 공유

The Launch is Coming

The launch here in Boston is getting closer! December 15 at the Boston Convention Center is going to be a Rocking event. If you haven’t registered make sure you get yourself registered. It’s filling up quick. In honor of the launch we have some great web site banners and email banners that I wanted to pass on. These can be downloaded from here.

To add them to your Outlook email signature -
1. In Outlook select the ‘Tools’ menu
2. Select ‘Options’
3. Select the ‘Mail Format’ tab
4. Select ‘Signatures’
5. Select ‘Edit’
6. Select ‘Advanced Edit’ à your signature will open in Word
7. Copy and paste the attached .gif under your e-mail signature
8. Right click on the pasted image
9. Select ‘Hyperlink’
10. In ‘Address’ type https://microsoft.com/launchtour2005
11. Select ‘OK’
12. Save the file
13. Close Word à you should be directed back to the Outlook e-mail signature box
14. Select ‘OK’