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Own a Treo 700w?

If you haven’t seen this already, the Messaging and Security Feature pack for the Verizon Treo 700w is available. The install I just completed was pretty painless and well worth it!



What does this update do?

The Palm® Treo™ 700w Updater 1.10 for Verizon Wireless includes the following enhancements for your smartphone:

  • Includes Microsoft®'s Messaging and Security Feature Pack (MSFP) with Direct Push Technology¹ for automatic wireless synchronization of email, calendar, contacts and, now, tasks²
  • Enhances email capabilities for more support of push email solutions, such as WirelessSync and GoodLink™, and of synchronization capabilities, such as the ability to maintain an "always on" data connection after POP or IMAP email synchronization and the ability to auto-synchronize all email accounts based on user setting².
  • Updated memory management
  • Pictures and Videos enhancements
  • New Wireless Manager provides an updated interface for turning wireless radios on and off on your 700w smartphone

1 - Exchange Server 2003 Service Pack 2 (SP2) upgrade required for Direct Push Technology.
2 - Within wireless coverage area only. Email and web require data services from a mobile service provider at an additional cost. ISP and/or VPN may also be required.


  • Anonymous
    April 20, 2006
    How hard was it to setup? Is it just like setting up the regular ol' desktop Outlook Client?

  • Anonymous
    April 20, 2006
    Actually it was really simple. Once you download the files you basically click setup (with the device synched)and it kicks off. Leave the device alone for about 30 minutes and it completes.
  • Anonymous
    April 22, 2006
    You might actually have a few problems depending on how you unzip the archive. See http://blogs.msdn.com/heaths/archive/2006/04/21/581186.aspx for details.

    Yes, yes, I know - I really should get WinZip at home.
  • Anonymous
    April 22, 2006
    Ahhhh . . . . so the phone must be docked with a computer to setup?

    I had thought (wished?) that you could setup the phone simply by configuring the phone by itself.

  • Anonymous
    April 22, 2006
    Yes the phone must be docked in order to install the update. It would definately be nice to have this without the docking.
  • Anonymous
    April 22, 2006
    Man you are patient -- Thanks!

    So in the future, when we can purchase a new phone with these current updates. Will "these" phones be able to be configured withOUT docking first with their desktop computer?

    I'm a Microsoft consultant for thousands of users, and I'm hoping that I don't have to visit any computer in the future.
  • Anonymous
    April 22, 2006
    I think the bits will get rolled in to the devices being sold. I can definately see more over the air stuff. Although, keep in mind that the update was like 30 megs. Depending on your connectivity that may be a problem downloading to a device. In my opinion - I can see more over the air updates in the future. Verizon does some really cool stuff with programming the phone over the air now. although, size will always be an important issue in determinging if you need to dock.