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Biztalk Server Beta 1

Via Steve


How to get BTS2006 Beta 1:

1.       Log into https://beta.microsoft.com using your Microsoft ® Passport Network Account.

2.       Click on “Sign in as Guest” and use the Guest ID “BizTalkBetaTeam”

3.       On the top navigation under "Enrolled Betas" navigate through "BizTalk Server 2006" and click on "Program Info". Then on the left side click on “Survey” and complete the “BizTalk Server 2006 Open Beta Nomination Form”

4.       Complete and submit the form.

Within 1-2 business days you should receive a confirmation letter from Microsoft welcoming you to the BizTalk Server 2006 Beta Program. This letter will contain additional information on where to download the Beta and access the support newsgroup.