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Blog du Tristank

Migrating to https://blog.tristank.com/ . And still so terrific that 3 of 4 readers rated it "soporific"

NLB Ain't Application-Aware

It's been ages since I touched on anything wibbles-related, but I realized I'd neglected a very...

Author: Tristan K Date: 03/01/2007

It's Not Just A Programming Problem.

Over at CodingHorror, Jeff riffs on problems hiring for development positions, when many...

Author: Tristan K Date: 02/28/2007

My Weekend: Crackdown

Gah! The whole weekend spent playing Crackdown! What has the world come to!? Crackdown does a bunch...

Author: Tristan K Date: 02/25/2007

Xbox 360 Wireless Receiver (for Windows)

It's great that it's finally out in the US... Not so good that I got back last week, dagnabbit! Now...

Author: Tristan K Date: 02/22/2007

Goings On...

Quick catchups: While in Seattle, I talked with some folk about IAG and ISA 2006 - all I can say is...

Author: Tristan K Date: 02/19/2007

P1610 Drivers for Windows Vista make Tristank Happy

I'm in Seattle at our TechReady conference (actually, it's over, I fly back tomorrow), and just...

Author: Tristan K Date: 02/10/2007

Xbox 360 HD DVD Player

About time! March brings us Aussies the Xbox 360 HD DVD add-on. $249 looks like the magic number -...

Author: Tristan K Date: 02/02/2007

Test Signing X64 Drivers

Well, I did learn a lot today! You may be familiar with the restrictions that Windows Vista X64...

Author: Tristan K Date: 01/29/2007

IIS6 Perf Tweak for Intranets

Kerb authentication is performed at each request, rather than each connection. This can end up being...

Author: Tristan K Date: 01/24/2007

ISA Server Firewall Client for Windows Vista

Over here. Works with all ISA Server versions to date, and with Windows Vista client, importantly!...

Author: Tristan K Date: 01/21/2007

Sick Day

My eyes just haven't been the same since the tusk incident, and the medication seems to be making...

Author: Tristan K Date: 01/11/2007

Merry New Year!

Well, another even-numbered year draws to a close. Hope everyone has a happy and safe new year. It's...

Author: Tristan K Date: 12/30/2006

Windows Vista FTW: Cleartype over RDP

One of the little things I love about Windows Vista is that I'm able to use the RDP client without...

Author: Tristan K Date: 12/21/2006

My First Tablet-ish PC

Back in 1998, I bought a Cassiopea Windows CE 2.0 Handheld PC. It was just under half the size of my...

Author: Tristan K Date: 12/12/2006

Windows Vista Performance on P1610

How does a half-size PC perform, you ask? Let's find out what Windows Vista thinks of the setup:...

Author: Tristan K Date: 12/10/2006

P1610 First Impressions

I got my Fujitsu P1610 Lifebook care of Hugo on Wednesday, and I have a rather long post on it...

Author: Tristan K Date: 12/08/2006

Expression this, WPF that...

The Expression series of designers have been refreshed, with free trials available for all. Now...

Author: Tristan K Date: 12/05/2006

IE7 crashing on secure sites...

A colleague's copy of IE7 on Windows XP was playing up today. When browsing secure sites (that's...

Author: Tristan K Date: 12/04/2006

Xbox Live - Free Gold Weekend for Aussies

If you've got an Xbox and broadband but haven't upgraded from Silver, give it a go! It's free until...

Author: Tristan K Date: 11/24/2006

PowerShell 1.0 is done


Author: Tristan K Date: 11/14/2006

Searching For A Better Notebook

Back from Fiji. The resort and the people were lovely, the snorkeling amazing, and I'm told the...

Author: Tristan K Date: 11/14/2006

I'm going to flee, I am.

To the beach, once more. Since going on holiday a couple of hours ago, I've: - bought Civ 4 and...

Author: Tristan K Date: 10/27/2006

ISA Server 2006 - URL Redirection Made Easy

Dr Tom calls out an excellent method of bouncing users from an "entry" URL to the right one (his...

Author: Tristan K Date: 10/26/2006

Netmon 3, Now With Added Blogging!*

Though it might technically be possible, it's probably quite difficult ("quite" in the "very" sense)...

Author: Tristan K Date: 10/24/2006

My Windows Vista MCE

I've had a mission critical Media Centre PC set up in the living room for the last - oh - dunno....

Author: Tristan K Date: 10/13/2006


Alriiight, CS 2.1 rolls on in and I think I'd better break the cycle of work, Armadillo Run and...

Author: Tristan K Date: 10/05/2006

ISA Server Product Team Blog : Blocking VML with ISA 2004 & ISA 2006

The VML issue is still a hot topic in internal discussion. If you're an ISA Server admin, please...

Author: Tristan K Date: 09/26/2006

Useful Utilities for SendTo #1871615

Yeah, I know, it's been a while. Sorry. Busy. Anyway, the topic du jour: getting command line...

Author: Tristan K Date: 09/19/2006

August 31, 2006 (Australian Time)

Today: 1. Saints Row should become available locally for the Xbox 360. Liked the demo. On the...

Author: Tristan K Date: 08/30/2006

I'm officially declaring Spring

It's sunny. It's warm. There's a light breeze. Birds are chirping happily as the trees rustle...

Author: Tristan K Date: 08/22/2006

Just Testing Writer's Image Upload Thing

Please ignore me.

Author: Tristan K Date: 08/17/2006

XNA, anyone?

Jason Olson sums it all up neatly, and has lots of fun links to follow. So check it out. The XNA...

Author: Tristan K Date: 08/14/2006

Windows Live Writer

Finally, we can talk about Windows Live Writer. I don't really have a lot to say except: it gave me...

Author: Tristan K Date: 08/14/2006

Two easy ways to pick Kerberos from NTLM in an HTTP capture

When tracing authenticated HTTP traffic, you'll often see a Windows client use the Negotiate...

Author: Tristan K Date: 08/02/2006

Microsoft ISA Server 2006: Trial Software (RTM) Out Now!

Yep, forget the RC - ISA Server 2006 is done, and the trial version is now available for download...

Author: Tristan K Date: 08/01/2006

ISA Server Best Practices Analyzer v3 (ISABPA) Just Released...

The ISA team just released the latest version of the ISA BPA to the web - here's the list of...

Author: Tristan K Date: 07/26/2006

one-Line Iso-Ish-Date Format Thing For CMD

I love CMD. I love batch files. I love FOR. I love being able to do things in one line, without...

Author: Tristan K Date: 07/20/2006

ASP.Net / .Net Framework 1.1 >4GB Memory Problem

Just a quick mention of the following article - it's not a virtual address space issue per se; this...

Author: Tristan K Date: 07/18/2006

VPC is now Free!

Late to the party as usual, but hey, that's alright! So all our virtualization solutions are now...

Author: Tristan K Date: 07/14/2006

Formula 1 Survey 2006

Ah, if there's one thing that'll get me out of bed and onto the couch at 4:30 in the morning, it's...

Author: Tristan K Date: 07/04/2006

Well Done Socceroos

The final call might have been questionable, but there's no denying Italy's defence was very strong,...

Author: Tristan K Date: 06/26/2006

Screen Clipping not working in OneNote?

I use OneNote's Screen Clipping feature all the time - to save retyping, to show someone exactly...

Author: Tristan K Date: 06/14/2006

ISA 2006 Release Candidate now downloadable

Nearly missed this one, but with the launch of ISA 2006 and its impending RTM, an RC build of ISA...

Author: Tristan K Date: 06/12/2006

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