Blog du Tristank
Migrating to . And still so terrific that 3 of 4 readers rated it "soporific"
XmlHttp, WinHttp, Cookie-based Auth and Too Much Coffee
I had a couple of cups of coffee with dinner last night, and ended up perched in front of my PC,...
Author: Tristan K Date: 07/23/2004
I'd Really Like Better Messenger Integration with IE
I've officially declared Friday to be Browser Fiddling day. Overnight, I tried out Slim Browser and...
Author: Tristan K Date: 07/23/2004
The Death Of Favourites (an Ode to OneNote)
Finally, one of the banes of my existence is going away. No, "Favorites" aren't disappearing from...
Author: Tristan K Date: 07/20/2004
ISA 2004: RTM Now On!
Yep, Internet Security and Acceleration Server 2004 information is now becoming available on...
Author: Tristan K Date: 07/15/2004
ISA 2000: Filter Proxy Logs with FIND
I'm often faced with the somewhat daunting task of wading through a 500MB log file to try to...
Author: Tristan K Date: 07/13/2004
ISA 2000: Handling Apps That Don't Like Proxy Authentication
Quite often, we're faced with a situation where an application has its own Web Proxy client...
Author: Tristan K Date: 06/25/2004
An MSN Messenger Update...
Which thoughtfully reset my painstakingly reconfigured emotional-blackmail-free Messenger sound...
Author: Tristan K Date: 06/25/2004
ISA 2000: Script for Bigpond Cable Heartbeat
If you're not on the Australian Telstra Bigpond Cable network, you don't need this. Update: Since...
Author: Tristan K Date: 06/21/2004
More Fiddling: Emotion-Free (quiet!) MSN Messenger Sound Scheme
After migrating to a new user profile (easiest way to make a clean start and work out what I...
Author: Tristan K Date: 06/19/2004
IRL: I was an Angry Young Man, once...
Triggered by . I normally don't comment on...
Author: Tristan K Date: 06/16/2004
New Australian Support Offering: Professional Support Advantage
If you're someone that uses the pay-per-incident Professional Support in Australia (13 16 30), then...
Author: Tristan K Date: 06/13/2004
NLB Will Actually Converge On A Crossover Cable
...It's just that it's of no use to anyone outside the cluster - and I can't think of a way of...
Author: Tristan K Date: 06/11/2004
TS Licensing in 90 Words Or Less
Various aspects of TS Licensing are often misunderstood, so I set myself the goal of explaining it...
Author: Tristan K Date: 06/10/2004
Blog Facelift: The Joy Of Filters (aka Getting IE Filters to Work)
I admit it (as if it wasn't already obvious) - I dropped out of Graphic Design at Uni. The sad truth...
Author: Tristan K Date: 06/09/2004
NLB: The Importance Of Interface Metrics
More on Network Load Balancing... If you're setting up a garden-variety NLB (WLBS / "Wibbles")...
Author: Tristan K Date: 06/08/2004
ISA 2000: Web Publishing a .Net Web Service
There's no real trick to it, apart from the good old Web Publishing authentication part. Short...
Author: Tristan K Date: 05/28/2004
ISA 2000: SP2 Out Now
ISA 2000 Service Pack 2 is available now, start testing your upgrades today! The readme file is...
Author: Tristan K Date: 05/21/2004
RSS: How Many Applications?
My token occasional "not actually related to my job" post, just typing to get my ideas down. I'm not...
Author: Tristan K Date: 05/20/2004
ISA 2000: Block Barry's Access Except For One Site
Q: I need to block Internet access for Barry, except for one site. A: As long as all users are...
Author: Tristan K Date: 05/20/2004
More on Sasser, IPSec Firewalls, and SMB
I've had a couple of internal and external questions on the last post; rather than keep on flogging...
Author: Tristan K Date: 05/06/2004
Using IPSec Policies as a Firewall to Block SASSER Infection
Short version: Use an IPSec policy to configure a miniature firewall on each client (Windows 2000...
Author: Tristan K Date: 05/04/2004
ISA 2000: Web Publishing and the Pesky Client IP Address
ISA 2000: when you publish a web server, the requests in its IIS logs all appear to come from the...
Author: Tristan K Date: 04/22/2004
NLB: Dedicated IP Addresses Explained (An NLB Myth debunked?)
For information on Network Load Balancing - or “Wibbles” as we affectionately refer to...
Author: Tristan K Date: 04/15/2004
XPSP2 Resources for IT Pros
A friend of mine that works in the IT industry just stunned me by asking whether there was anything...
Author: Tristan K Date: 04/06/2004
IRL: Busy Week
I did actually start writing a couple more infrastructure posts, but often in the course of...
Author: Tristan K Date: 03/26/2004
ISA 2000: CARP and NLB
Short version: If you want to use both, for best results: Web Proxy clients should use the array...
Author: Tristan K Date: 03/19/2004
ISA 2000: Port Forwarding and Port Address Translation (PAT)
Short version: ISA 2000 isn't out-of-the-box able to change published ports when doing Server...
Author: Tristan K Date: 03/19/2004
Use of Asterisks in this Blog
When I'm either being ironic or outright lying, I'll usually include an unattributed asterisk to...
Author: Tristan K Date: 03/18/2004
WshShell.Run and Long File Names
I hit this the other day - when using the Wsh Shell object's Run method in VBScript, passing a long...
Author: Tristan K Date: 03/18/2004
How TSWeb / TSAC / Remote Desktop Web Connection Client Works
[Update 16 Aug 2004] I've posted some sample TSWeb HTM file that handles different ports too, and...
Author: Tristan K Date: 03/18/2004
About Me, About This Blog
It's pronounced "try-stank". I'm Tristan Kington, a (Senior) Premier Field Engineer primarily...
Author: Tristan K Date: 03/17/2004