다음을 통해 공유

load of tosh

a web mail developer

too darn cold

Man, two days ago b. reported it's too darn hot in Seattle.  Tonight it's only 6 degrees cooler up...

Author: Tosh Meston Date: 07/31/2003

"Edit and Continue" and programmers who work for a living.

Rory Blyth pointed me to DonXML's recent post on edit and continue functionality encouraging poor...

Author: Tosh Meston Date: 07/31/2003

Moving a VB6 dude to .NET

All right all you VB guys, I am looking for advice on how to move a friend of mine off of VB 6 to...

Author: Tosh Meston Date: 07/29/2003

Hey ScottW

The new .Text admin module is great.  Nice work.

Author: Tosh Meston Date: 07/28/2003

FormsAuthenticationTicket and Persistence

I have been playing around with putting forms based authentication on a site I am building.  I would...

Author: Tosh Meston Date: 07/24/2003

Scoble on the browser as an application platform

Scoble blogs again about the browser not being an application platform and in the same entry plugs...

Author: Tosh Meston Date: 07/24/2003

Midnight Coder

So I don't really get going on home .NET projects until after midnight.  Maybe it's the same for...

Author: Tosh Meston Date: 07/20/2003

Four Years of Mersenne Prime Searching

Hmmm...  it's been four years of running GIMPS (Great Internet Mersenne Prime Search) software on my...

Author: Tosh Meston Date: 07/19/2003

Last Five Non-Fiction

Here's the last five non-fiction: Flesh and Machines: How Robots Will Change Us, Rodney...

Author: Tosh Meston Date: 07/16/2003

Where's Eric?

One of Microsoft's VPs Eric Rudder started a blog a while ago, but he hasn't kept it up.  I must be...

Author: Tosh Meston Date: 07/15/2003

The Userland Story

I would love to read the story of Userland software.  Yes, Dave's basically written it already, but...

Author: Tosh Meston Date: 07/15/2003

Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey.SetValue() and large values

On Friday my intern ran into the problem setting a registry DWORD to a large value - a value larger...

Author: Tosh Meston Date: 07/13/2003

Another Happy OWA User

Cool.  Don Browning signed up for the Outlook Web Access trial after reading my blog and sends his...

Author: Tosh Meston Date: 07/08/2003

ASP.NET 1.1 on XP

The other day I decided it was time to rebuild my laptop.  It must have been something about the way...

Author: Tosh Meston Date: 07/08/2003

How I came to Microsoft

I have asked Microsoft bloggers to tell the story of how they came to work at Microsoft, what...

Author: Tosh Meston Date: 07/06/2003

Exchange 2003 RTMs

Exchange 2003 releases to manufacturing with the greatest version of Outlook Web Access to date!...

Author: Tosh Meston Date: 07/02/2003

Echo vs. RSS

The whole reason I started a blog was because I was interested in the technology behind it.  I...

Author: Tosh Meston Date: 06/29/2003

Star Wars Galaxies

Ahh yeah, Star Wars Galaxies is out.  Have to pick that one up this weekend.  You know I am totally...

Author: Tosh Meston Date: 06/28/2003

.NET Registry Classes, ChooseColorDlg and Coding4Fun

Messed around with the Registry classes in .NET this afternoon.  Find it interesting that they...

Author: Tosh Meston Date: 06/28/2003

ActiveSetup and MSI

Hmmm...  trying to find information on using ActiveSetup to install an MSI is not easy.

Author: Tosh Meston Date: 06/28/2003

What I do

Caught that XBOX thing on Discovery Channel on Friday night.  Pretty cool.  I was hoping to see some...

Author: Tosh Meston Date: 06/23/2003

On community and synchronicity...

A bizarre thing about the technology of blogging, at least to me, is the emergence of community and...

Author: Tosh Meston Date: 06/19/2003

Work uses for blogging

I decided I would try to use my internal blog to keep track of certain docs I use from time to...

Author: Tosh Meston Date: 06/19/2003


Cool, MSN Search has their own web crawler now. Building a spider was one of the first projects I...

Author: Tosh Meston Date: 06/18/2003

Scoble's on Slashdot

Wow.  Surprised to see Scoble on Slashdot just a minute ago.  Went to a Microsoft Community meeting...

Author: Tosh Meston Date: 06/17/2003

Linus leaves Transmeta to work full-time on kernel

Details here.  I always thought it was weird that he had a day job.

Author: Tosh Meston Date: 06/17/2003

English to 12 Year Old AOL User Translator


Author: Tosh Meston Date: 06/17/2003

Day in the Life

Hit the road at about nine. No slugs in the drive-way. Burn down Avondale in the bimmer. Pass a deer...

Author: Tosh Meston Date: 06/16/2003

The Cambrian Period of Communications

It occurs to me that we are living in a Cambrian period of communications.  Communication itself has...

Author: Tosh Meston Date: 06/13/2003

Two Projects

Here are two projects I would love to build if I ever found time to do it.  I want a news aggregator...

Author: Tosh Meston Date: 06/12/2003

a little of this, a little of that

I feel like I am .NET evangelist lately.  I have brothers-in-law asking me about it, my intern is...

Author: Tosh Meston Date: 06/10/2003
