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RMS Training? Who'd of thunk it?

I got this in my inbox the other day, and thought it was pretty interesting.

My first thought was 'Is it that obvious that I need training', but my second thought was WOW, a year and a half ago RMS was barely on the radar, and now companies are offering full blown training for the beast.

RMS on Windows 2008 is knocking peoples socks off in our TAP (Technology Adoption Program), and will most likely be the star in that OS. Soon my baby will be all grown up, and I'll have to share it with other support technicians. <snif> 


BTW: I decided to go with 'Marvin 3 Green' for the theme of my blog today, just to mix things up, and because I already felt pretty today so pink was no longer required.


Hi Jason, 


Titus International, a world leader in Consulting and Training for Windows Rights Management Services (RMS) has announced the next session of our 3 day, hands-on classroom training course. The course has recently been upgraded to include the latest release information for servers running RMS SP2, clients running Windows Vista, and modules that include SharePoint 2007 RMS integration and Office 2007.

Course Dates: October 1-3, 2007 Location: Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, Trainer Bio, Titus' RMS Training Experience

The objectives of this new course are:

  • Understand RMS and its relationship to desktop applications
  • Understand the RMS architecture and infrastructure
  • Be able to install and configure RMS
  • Understand RMS configuration such as trust policies and rights policies
  • Understand how RMS can be used to help protect digital information flowing out of the enterprise to individuals and other organizations.
  • Understand the integration of RMS-enabled applications such as Microsoft Outlook 2007, Word 2007, Excel 2007 and PowerPoint 2007
  • Understand the management of a deployment of RMS

"Hands-on training will help customers using RMS to more quickly deploy the product to help protect their valuable digital information" said Michael Atalla, Business Development Manager in the Security Business and Technology Unit at Microsoft Corp. "We are pleased that Titus, a Microsoft Gold Certified Partner for Security Solutions, has decided to use its unique security and courseware development skills to build this program for RMS."

This course is valuable for those planning and implementing an information security strategy to protect information through persistent usage policies, which remain with the information, no matter where it goes. The audience for the course includes IT security staff, server administrators, desktop administrators, systems engineers, IT managers, systems integrators and support personnel.

For further information on how to register or on Titus International's Training Services, please visit https://www.titus.com/about/RMSRelease.asp or contact me directly at 613.820.5111 ext.125.

Best regards,

Kris DeGiacomo, Director of Client Services, Titus International

Phone : (613) 820-5111 x125
Fax : (613) 820-5154
Cell Phone : (613) 371-8434
356 Woodroffe Avenue, Suite 200G
Ottawa, Ontario Canada, K2A 3V6
