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Hyper-V e MOSS 2007

Vi segnalo un importante articolo dal titolo “ Using SharePoint Products and Technologies in a Hyper-V virtual environment ” (di fine 2008) che contiene, fra l’altro, questi due statements di supporto:

· Support statement SharePoint Products and Technologies is supported in a Hyper-V environment. Extensive testing was done to confirm that all the functional aspects of Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 and Office SharePoint Server 2007 have the same behavior on a Hyper-V virtual server as they do on a physical server.

· Support for third-party hypervisor technology Deploying SharePoint Products and Technologies is supported on hypervisor technologies that are certified by Microsoft through the Server Virtualization Validation Program (SVVP) (https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=125649&clcid=0x409).


non ci sono scuse per non virtualizzare anche MOSS 2007 :)

A presto!



Risorse correlate

Hyper-V & MOSS 2007

Using SharePoint Products and Technologies in a Hyper-V virtual environment