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Welcome to Kishi’s Korner

by admin on March 31, 2006 05:00pm

Welcome to Kishi’s Korner (for the record, I did not come up with this name.)

I wanted to take a moment and use my first blog entry to introduce myself. My full name is Harvinderpal Singh Malhotra and somehow “Kishi” was chosen as a nickname for me when I was growing up (don’t ask, like the name "Kishi's Korner", it’s a long story). Okay, so I am the Project Manager for the Open Source Software Lab. I’ve spent the bulk of my career in IT Operations as an Infrastructure Architect with Fortune 100’s such as Pfizer, United Health Care etc. and since 2003 I’d been with MSN Operations. While at MSN I was responsible for re-engineering the server deployment process and providing key infrastructure services including Active Directory, DNS, WINS, SecurID, TermServ, Domain Registrations, SMTP, and AntiVirus for the MSN Operations IS team, among other things.

While much of my life has been spent living IT Operations, one of my true passions is research and writing. That’s why I’m thrilled to be involved with the Open Source Software Lab and Port25. I look forward to sharing our work with you and more importantly learning from you on how we can improve our methodologies and perhaps come up with new projects that we haven’t thought of. This is a unique opportunity for myself and the community and I look forward to being a part of it.

If you are so inclined, please take a moment to shoot me some thoughts on things you’d like to see us work on in our lab. Moving forward I’ll be having some of my team of Open Source, UNIX, and Linux engineers share what they are working on. If you have comments on our methodology or suggestions on how we’ve scoped a particular project, please let me know.

OK, enough with the introductions, let’s talk projects! I look forward to hearing from you.