다음을 통해 공유

Through A Glass Darkly

by admin on April 24, 2006 05:18pm

We are launching the MPEG-4 versions of our interviews today (now linked on the interview pages themselves), and future interviews will be posted in MPEG-4 and WMV simultaneously.  This was overwhelmingly the top request for formats from the community.  MPEG-4 files are fairly large (our typical interview of 30 minutes is about 70 MB) and will need to be downloaded to view.

I’m interested in getting your feedback on the formats.  No doubt you will have feedback on the interviews as well – but those responses are best posted back to their respective posts.

We’ve considered other approaches - for example, we’ve explored posting these as Flash, which is x-platform and streaming by default – but wanted to focus on doing what the Port 25 community has specifically asked for.

Hopefully this solution will work well.  If not – what do you think would be better?
