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Share your interop story…

by admin on May 10, 2006 07:03pm
Share your interop story...

...and find fame and fortune!  Maybe not, but we will share your story with the World!  (At least that part of the world that visits Port 25...)

We're looking for unique and creative ways that you, the visitors to Port 25, have solved interoperability challenges.  Whether you've done something creative in your own mixed environment or you've helped a customer overcome a technology challenge, we want to hear from you.  Monthly we'll showcase the most unique and challenging stories submitted by individuals, integrators and ISV's on Port 25.

Submissions should include:

    • Challenge being addressed and goals of project
    • Unique factors that may have created additional challenges
    • What research was done to determine the appropriate course of action
    • How you went about implementing your solution

We'll work with the project submitter to determine the best way to highlight your success on the site.  If your project is chosen we'll send you a Port 25 software care package.

Our first submission deadline will be May 25th at 12:00 am PDT.

Please send submissions to: port25@microsoft.com with the subject:  "Interop Challenge".