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Do I.T. Days!

We all have days when it is hard to remember what it was about teaching, education and ICT that got us involved in the first place. Then something drops into your mailbox and the feeling returns, the batteries
recharge and you are ready to take on the world again! 

As some of you know Microsoft, in association with IC Central, our Academic Support Partner (MASP), have been sponsoring “Do I.T Days”.  The days are an opportunity for students and teachers to try out the internationally recognised Microsoft Office Specialist certification program.

When was the last time your students were lining up and asking to sit exams?!  That is what happened at the Do I.T Days and it is something that will be repeated as more schools look to adopt and integrate the Microsoft Digital Literacy, Microsoft Office Specialist and MTA certifications into internally selected Grade 9 and 10 curriculum programs.   Fully resourced, easy to implement, internationally validated, and incredibly cost effective these programs provide a comprehensive supported learning pathway and are an ideal solution to your ICT curriculum needs. 

For further information about this or other Microsoft programs email info@iccentral.co.nz or visit the Microsoft IT Academy website.