다음을 통해 공유

Photosynth on the Space Shuttle...


"REDMOND, Wash. — Aug. 5, 2007 — For the first time, people around the world can view 3-D images of the space shuttle Endeavour and surrounding buildings at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida before it launches into space, through a collaboration between Microsoft Corp. and NASA. Microsoft® Live Labs and NASA developed the environments using hundreds of photographs and a photo-imaging technology called Photosynth™. Photosynth uses hundreds of standard digital camera images to construct a 3-D view of an environment that can be navigated and explored in a highly intuitive manner. "

More here: https://www.microsoft.com/presspass/press/2007/aug07/08-05EndeavourPR.mspx

We've been lucky enough to see quite a bit of the Photosynth technology internally and some real-world business applications are beginning to emerge publically now. Check this one out in two options:

1. Try it yourself (ActiveX install): https://media.labs.live.com/photosynth/nasa/default.htm

2. Watch the video: https://media.labs.live.com/photosynth/NASA/videonasa.html

