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Photosynth moves to v1.0



So we have just released a v1.0 of the truly amazing Photosynth technology. This is the auto-stitching technology where you take a collection of digital photos and it brings them altogether into one interactive view.

From the press release:

"Getting started with Photosynth is easy:

  • To begin, just take a few dozen digital photos — 20 to 300 photos are required, depending on the size of the place or object — with overlap between each shot, from a number of locations and angles.
  • Next, download a small, free software application to your computer from https://photosynth.com. This software works in concert with the Photosynth Web site, which is also a free service.
  • Build your synth in just two easy steps: First, from the Photosynth Web site, click on Create and select the pictures you want to use. Then, give your creation a name and click on Synth, and Photosynth automatically creates and uploads your synth. In about the same amount of time it would take to upload the pictures to a photo-sharing site, you can enjoy your pictures in dramatic and detailed 3-D.
  • The finished synth can be accessed from any Windows XP- or Windows Vista-powered computer with a broadband connection. If you want to comment on other people’s synths or create your own, you’ll also need a free Windows Live ID.
  • Once created, synths can also be embedded on Web sites, blogs and social networking sites or virtually anywhere HTML can be edited.


Want to see it in action?  check this demo by the key person (Blaise Agurea y Arcas) behind the original SeaDragon technology. It's truly amazing when you first see it - go on take a look :-)

And if you needed one more teaser - see this Nasa photosynth that I blogged before:

NASA Meets Photosynth
