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Microsoft Demo's Live Mesh

image We formally demonstrated our synchronization framework, Live Mesh, at the Web 2.0 Expo.

Amit Mital gave a quick demonstration and played a video showing the Live Mesh technology at work. Fundamentally with Live Mesh, all your devices work together, your data and apps are always available. Essentially, Live Mesh is a collection of individual's "device mesh" and has a similar concept to technologies like Groove, Foldershare, but really brought to the web.

Mital played a video clip showing a mother taking a photo of a kid jumping into the water for a swim. As she takes the photo on her phone, it automatically syncs and appears on a remote PC, on a digital picture frame, on her husband's screen as he waits for a flight at the airport and other places.

This all follows on from the interview with Ray Ozzie https://channel9.msdn.com/showpost.aspx?postid=399578 on Tuesday on channel9, where he talks about Live Mesh and the services platform in general.



