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Nadyne @ OOPSLA 10/20-10/25

I leave tomorrow for OOPSLA in Montréal, and I keep on saying that I'm going to post my schedule. For those of you who are coming to OOPSLA and want to chat, I should be pretty easy to catch. I'll be spending some time in the Microsoft booth, so you'll definitely be able to find me there. If you want to make sure you have time to chat with me, drop me an email.

Saturday: Saturday is set-up day. I'll be at the convention centre all day, helping the student volunteers get registration up and running. Registration begins in the afternoon, so I'll probably be hanging around there somewhere.

Sunday: I have no commitments on Sunday, so I might actually get to check out a tutorial or two. In the morning, I like the looks of Planning and Executing Agile Projects in Non-Agile Environments. In the afternoon, From Use to User Interface: Collaboratively designing, prototyping, and testing user interface to help your users succeed is right up my alley.

Monday: Another day with (mostly) no commitments, so I'm trying to decide between checking out the Wiki Symposium or begging to sneak in to the No Silver Bullet - a Retrospective on the Essence and Accidents of Software Engineering workshop. In the evening, the Welcome Reception has my attention. The posters and student research competition entries will be exhibited during the reception. As chair of both of those tracks, it's my responsibility to make sure that everything goes well. After the reception, I'll be holed up in a room with the judges of the student research competition, determining which students go on to the second round of the competition.

Tuesday: OOPSLA begins in earnest! Peter Turchi starts off the day with his invited talk Once Upon a Time, Like Never Before: The Challenge of Telling the Next Story. Then Kathy Sierra gives her talk about Creating Passionate Users. In the afternoon, I'm considering checking out the tutorial Software Best-Practices: Agile Deconstructed. I'll be in the Microsoft booth from 3-5pm. The day ends with Dick Gabriel and Guy Steele giving an encore presentation of their 50 in 50 talk from HOPL. The second round of the student research competition (which is open to the public) is also going on sometime today, although the schedule hasn't been finalised yet due to some last-minute changes in the judging. Watch this space.

Wednesday: I'm really excited about Fred Brooks' invited talk about Collaboration and Telecollaboration in Design. I'll be in the Microsoft booth from 10-11. Then it's over to the Onward! Films session, especially to see the final output of the PowerPoint and Complexity film by Michael Richmond. Attending the films means that I'll miss out on most of the "No Silver Bullet" Reloaded - A Retrospective on "Essence and Accidents of Software Engineering" panel, but I will catch the last half-hour of it. In the afternoon, I'll hang out in the Lightning Talks to see what happens there. I might put together a Birds of a Feather meeting for the women of OOPSLA before the big special event that night.

Thursday: The day starts out with Gregor Kiczales talking about Context, Perspective, and Programs, and then Mark Bernstein is talking about Intimate Information for Everyone's Everyday Tasks. I'll be in the Microsoft booth from 1-2. Then I think I'll continue with my day of invited talks by checking out Pattie Maes' invited talk Meta-Objects for the World Around Us. The day wraps up with the Awards ceremony, which will include the winners of the student research competition. Then it's off to the ice cream social to say one final goodbye to everyone at OOPSLA, and encourage them to come to Nashville next year.
