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MWSF rumour mill has begun

I love reading the various Apple rumour sites. I troll through their sites every few days to catch up on the latest chatter. They've got all of the honest-to-goodness Apple news, plus the rumours, guesses, and everything in between.

The height of the rumour season is, of course, the lead-up to MacWorld San Francisco. And just as Christmas stuff starts appearing in the stores earlier and earlier every year, it seems like the Apple rumours start going up on these websites earlier and earlier every year.

Currently, the rumours are swirling as to whether Apple will release the first of the MacTels at MWSF. ThinkSecret votes for new iBooks, and adds that they'll get a price drop. AppleInsider says that it'll be the iMac, with Powerbooks to follow, and then 13-inch widescreen iBooks in the spring. Their PB rumours are interesting -- they say that it'll be thinner, and that it will have a built-in iSight. MacRumors says that MWSF will bring us a MacTel mini.

The consensus seems to be that it will be a more consumer-oriented machine. No-one (yet) has theorised about an updated PowerMac. For that matter, no-one has said that Apple won't release (or at least announce, with a ship date shortly thereafter) a MacTel.

The iPod/iTunes rumours don't seem to have started in earnest yet. AppleInsider is first into the fray. They're guessing at a second generation of the iPod shuffle.

I think that these rumours hit pretty much all of the obvious potential hardware updates. But I wonder if the hardware story will be the most interesting thing to come out of MWSF. What about the software? They've had so many new software releases -- the various iTunes updates, the release of Pages and iWork, this new Aperture thing. What new software could they release? Would Apple open up FrontRow and PhotoBooth to officially work on any Mac? What about a new version of the OS (and not just a dot- upgrade)?

I have no idea, of course. I think that the only thing that we can really say pre-MWSF is that they'll do something interesting. Until then, I'll just read the rumours sites and be amused at the guesses that they make. I think that my favourite part of all of this is the post-mortem after MWSF: where were the rumour sites right? where were they wrong? how did Apple surprise everyone this time?