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intern demo day

September is always a sad time of year. It's when the summer interns go back to school to finish their degrees (although it's happy because they can finish their degrees and then come back to work for us). In MacBU SVC, we had an all-hands meeting where our four interns showed us what they were working on this summer.

I don't know who did the recruiting for our interns this summer, but they did a great job. All of our interns this time around were dev interns. Two interns worked on PowerPoint, one on Entourage, and one on our shared functionality across the whole suite.

Before the interns came, the app teams discuss what features we'll give to them. We try to give them features that are cool, that they can complete in a summer, and that have a real impact on our users. I think that we were pretty successful in this regard, and our interns responded by working hard and doing some awesome work.

I worked with all of the interns at one point or another over the summer. I worked the closest with the two PowerPoint interns to discuss how their features would be used by users, since their features are the most outward-facing. They understood that they're not standard users, so they had to step outside their own experience to think of how someone else might use it. It was cool to watch them get it, and work with the rest of the team to design their features appropriately.

Bon voyage, interns. I hope we'll see you back here later!

As for the rest of you, if you're interested in interning with Microsoft in the future, you can read more about the Microsoft intern program.


  • Anonymous
    September 09, 2006

    Without giving away too much can you give us a general idea of the kinds of features they were working on ?  Thanks.
  • Anonymous
    September 09, 2006
    I can't talk about features yet, not even intern features.