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A fool is born every minute ...

... and, according to the latest State of the Blogosphere update from Technorati, there's a blog born every half-second. There are 50 million blogs (including this one) that are tracked by Technorati. So far, the number of blogs is doubling about every six months. There's about 1.6 million legitimate blog posts every day. English-speaking folks seem to post between 10am and 2pm, and then again around 5pm (all times are Pacific, the one true time zone).

I'd love to see some more work about when and where people blog, and how it differs across age, geography, income, education, blogging intent (diary-style versus news), etc. I also wonder about the impact of multiple blogs or mostly-abandoned blogs. There was an issue of Communications of the ACM that was devoted to blogging about a year ago, and some of those articles are still sitting in my to-read pile, so maybe I'll dig through those and see what's in there.