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Matt Powell

Web Platform and Tools

Dare spilled the beans about how he is working on trying to create an MSDN XML Developer Center....

Author: mattpo Date: 01/21/2004

Aaron Skonnard has finally started a blog. I suggest you subscribe immediately (and see how well his...

Author: mattpo Date: 01/21/2004

At the risk of talking about something that many would not even know exists, we updated the Web...

Author: mattpo Date: 01/20/2004

...but man, those babies are gonna be ice cold when they come outta there.

Author: mattpo Date: 01/20/2004

@Stake published an analysis of the .NET Framework and WebSphere focusing on security issues. I...

Author: mattpo Date: 01/20/2004

One of the cool pieces of content on TheServerSide.NET, is a portion of the pre-release version of...

Author: mattpo Date: 01/19/2004

If you haven't already heard, you should check out https://theserverside.net which has a bunch of...

Author: mattpo Date: 01/19/2004

Sean Gephardt, one of our developers here at MSDN talks about some new Web services that are...

Author: mattpo Date: 01/15/2004

Keith Pijanowski's article was published last Friday. Keith did a nice job of providing an...

Author: mattpo Date: 01/13/2004

Oldie from the last scare: If your cow sounds like this you might want to try the fish.

Author: mattpo Date: 01/13/2004

Through the magic of DNS, my blog is now also available via https://blogs.msdn.com/mpowell. For those...

Author: mattpo Date: 01/09/2004

Sara's post reminded me of Duncan's post which reminded me that I wanted to blog on my own New Years...

Author: mattpo Date: 01/09/2004

Chuck Urwiler wrote an interesting article on devx.com on how to create XML and use it from within...

Author: mattpo Date: 01/08/2004

I indicated earlier that we published the WS-Eventing spec on Tuesday. This turned out to be quite...

Author: mattpo Date: 01/08/2004

OK...I've got to talk about the weather. If you haven't heard yet, we had snow here in the state of...

Author: mattpo Date: 01/07/2004

[Edited to correct the spelling of SamUrai] Loved The Return of the King as indicated in an earlier...

Author: mattpo Date: 01/07/2004

Check out the new WS-Eventing specification that was just released. Web services have lived for a...

Author: mattpo Date: 01/06/2004

Back from vacation which was pretty blog-less on my part. But now I'm back in the fray. Omri Gazitt...

Author: mattpo Date: 01/05/2004

Microsoft and IBM released the Web Services Security Kerberos Binding specification Friday. This was...

Author: mattpo Date: 12/21/2003

I'm using up some unused vacation during the holidays so I'm OOF until 1/5...

Author: mattpo Date: 12/18/2003

Chris and Don discuss XAML ... and then add some holiday cheer. For those just looking for some...

Author: mattpo Date: 12/18/2003

Eric Newcomer posted his take on the history of Web services and where it is going. Eric was heavily...

Author: mattpo Date: 12/17/2003

My 13 year old daughter talked me into seeing the 12:15 am showing of The Return of the King last...

Author: mattpo Date: 12/17/2003

In case you didn't notice, the WS-I released the Basic Profile Sample Applications. This includes...

Author: mattpo Date: 12/15/2003

In case you missed the Workshop and you wanted to see the information discussed on WS-Federation,...

Author: mattpo Date: 12/12/2003

As part of my new emphasis, I would like to point out what I would consider the most significant...

Author: mattpo Date: 12/12/2003

You should be seeing some changes in my blog in the coming weeks (okay, maybe not over the holidays...

Author: mattpo Date: 12/12/2003

My car wouldn't start Weds. morning. I ended up working from home all day as I arranged a tow truck...

Author: mattpo Date: 12/08/2003

Microsoft has created a new Intellectual Property licensing site. Included in the initial offering:...

Author: mattpo Date: 12/04/2003

Opaque or Binary Data in a Web service is like transporting action figures on a Lego train. More...

Author: mattpo Date: 11/14/2003

The local NPR affiliate, KUOW, featured Simon Winchester, the author of The Meaning of Everything,...

Author: mattpo Date: 11/12/2003

I was scheduled to be OOF today and tomorrow in training. I love good training. Quite often you come...

Author: mattpo Date: 11/11/2003

In getting feedback on my proposed bloglist page on the MSDN Web Services Developer Center, Danny...

Author: mattpo Date: 11/11/2003

I want to thank everyone for the feedback on my proposed listing of the MSDN Web Services Developer...

Author: mattpo Date: 11/11/2003

Being the Content Strategist for the MSDN Web Services Developer Center, one of the things I am...

Author: mattpo Date: 10/31/2003

I'm getting ready to head down to the PDC on Sunday. I understand it is in the 90s (F) down there....

Author: mattpo Date: 10/24/2003

Over the last couple years Microsoft, IBM and others have been working together to create a number...

Author: mattpo Date: 10/16/2003

When I was about 6 years old we made a trip to Yellowstone National Park (circa 1969). We came upon...

Author: mattpo Date: 10/08/2003

If you have a WS-ReliableMessaging implementation (and don't we all) you should make sure you attend...

Author: mattpo Date: 10/03/2003

This is really cool. For best results click the “Lines” button. Don't forget to try the...

Author: mattpo Date: 09/17/2003

If you have been confused about all the Web services specs and how they fit together and what the...

Author: mattpo Date: 09/17/2003

If you have looked at any of the Web service specifications that Microsoft, IBM, and others have...

Author: mattpo Date: 09/17/2003

I was reading through the stats feature for my blog that Scott put together. One of the referrering...

Author: mattpo Date: 09/12/2003

I was re-reading Graham Murray's comment to a post I made earlier about Web services and the end of...

Author: mattpo Date: 09/12/2003

Forget World Peace...or whirled peas...how about Galactic Peace. Stop the fighting and go to PDC.

Author: mattpo Date: 09/12/2003

We finally got Don Smith's piece up on WSE 2.0 Security on the Web service developers center. Here...

Author: mattpo Date: 09/09/2003

The WS-I Basic Profile 1.0 is finally released.  Congratulations to everyone who put in a lot of...

Author: mattpo Date: 08/12/2003

First, Doug takes some good natured shots at Software Legend, Yasser Shohoud. Next, Yasser shoots...

Author: mattpo Date: 07/24/2003

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