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Its been awhile...

A lot has happened since my last post, particularly in my home state of Louisiana.  Katrina and Rita were devastating events but Louisiana will be back.  As bad as the storms were, they weren't the first that LA has experienced and won't be the last.  My grandmother, who survived the great flood of 1927, Betsy in New Orleans in the 60s, Andrew in the 90s, and now the latest storms, is a great example of Cajun perseverance through whatever nature presents.  The parish she lives in, where I grew up, is Terrebonne, which is French for Good Earth.  Though the last couple of months have been tough there, it’s hard to imagine a place with richer culture or more immersive natural beauty.  So, as bad as things are, I know we’ll overcome them, just like my grandmother and her generation has done for the past 80 years.

Katrina, like many such events, brings out the best (and worst) in people.  I was extraordinarily proud of what Microsoft and my fellow employees did during the storm.  For full details, see https://www.microsoft.com/presspass/features/2005/sep05/09-09katrina.mspx.

You’ve seen my earlier post about how great idNexus is.  Well, since then, we’ve acquired Alacris and idNexus is now a Microsoft technology.  In the coming months, we’ll be releasing more details on how idNexus will be fitting into our overall security strategy and how we’ll be delivering its great capabilities to our customers.