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We have been begging for the right to give out vhd's (virtual hard disk files that include OS and Applications) for our customers to be able to test new stuff and really get in there and break things and figure out how Microsoft Technology can work for you. Finally, the boys in legal have dotted all the i's and crossed all the t's and here it is--THE VHD TEST DRIVE PROGRAM FROM MICROSOFT!!!!!! Just look at how cool this is!!!!!


Run IT on a Virtual Hard Disk

The Microsoft VHD format is the common virtualization file format that provides a uniform product support system, and provides more seamless manageability, security, reliability and cost-efficiency for customers.

Download Virtual Server 2005 R2 and start using VHDs today
Featured VHDs

Using the power of virtual machines, you can now quickly evaluate Microsoft and partner solutions through a series of pre-configured Virtual Hard Disks (VHD). You can download the VHDs and evaluate them for free in your own environment without the need for dedicated servers or complex installations. Start now by selecting a lab from the VHD catalog below.

Windows Server 2003 R2Windows Server 2003 R2 helps to simplify branch server management, can improve identity and access management, helps to reduce storage management costs, provides a rich Web platform, and offers cost-effective server virtualization. In this VHD, you'll have the opportunity to road-test new and improved features and functionality of Windows Server 2003, including management and usability enhancements to Active Directory.

Exchange Server 2007Learn how to take advantage of key features of Exchange Server 2007. This VHD provides an exploration of Active Directory and the new features in Exchange Server 2007, new features in Outlook Web Access 2007, enforcing compliance and retention policies in Exchange Server 2007, and more.

SQL Server 2005SQL Server 2005 is data management and analysis software that helps deliver increased scalability, availability, and security to enterprise data and analytical applications while helping to make them easier to create, deploy, and manage. In this VHD, you will get to experience many of the new features in SQL Server 2005.

For a complete list of Microsoft products and technologies in a VHD, visit the VHD Download Center.

Learn More About VHDs

VHD Product OverviewLearn about the VHD Test Drive Program, get an introduction to virtual machine technology, and read about key features and benefits of using VHDs in this overview.

Frequently Asked Questions about VHDsFind general information about using VHDs, virtual machine technology, requirements, and more in the VHD FAQ.

Microsoft VHD PartnersLearn about Microsoft partners that have pre-configured VHDs available for you to test and evaluate today. If you are Microsoft partner, find out how you can take advantage of this program and distribute your applications in a VHD.

VHD Image Format SpecificationsCustomers and partners realize the value of standardizing on the Microsoft VHD format because it is the Microsoft virtualization file format and offers migration across Microsoft Virtual Server, Virtual PC, and Windows Server virtualization with Windows Server “Longhorn.” With the VHD format now available as a freely available specification, Microsoft is contributing to the continued expansion of the virtualization market by fostering interoperability among all commercial software solutions, including open source.

In the News

Businesses get an “Easy Button” for mainstream software evaluation with Microsoft VHD Test Drive Program(Nov 06, 2006) Microsoft is making available their new virtual hard disk (VHD) Test Drive Program, which allows customers to confidently evaluate enterprise software from Microsoft and its software partners in a fraction of the time.

Microsoft enhances interopability with open virtualization format(Oct 17, 2006) Irrevocable promise will make Microsoft’s virtualization format software freely available to all.

Microsoft and XenSource to develop Linux interopability for Windows Server "Longhorn" virtualization(July 17, 2006): Microsoft Corp. and XenSource Inc. today announced they will cooperate on the development of technology to provide interoperability between Xen-enabled Linux and the new Microsoft Windows hypervisor technology-based Windows Server virtualization.

Microsoft extends virtualization strategy, outlines product road map(May 22, 2006): Senior vice-president Bob Muglia provides updates on Microsoft’s virtualization strategy and product road map, including Windows Server virtualization and System Center Virtual Machine Manager