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IT Heroes Episode III

Zotob, Zero Day Exploits and Life on the Internet

Today we are talking to Chris Courchesne, Security Analyst in the Security Operations Center of a Fortune 500, $4 billion a year anti-virus and managed security operations business (his legal department didn't give permission to mention the company or its customers by name). We spoke with Chris shortly after the outbreak of the Zotob worm and its variants this past August. We talk about the outbreak, the threat of the zero day exploit and what the security community is doing to address the challenges of life on the 21st Century internet.

This interview is the third in a new podcast series, IT Heroes: Stories from the Trenches; these are the real stories of men and women in IT making a difference everyday. We talk with authors, innovators and implementers about emerging technologies, troubleshooting and remediation of common infrastructure issues and charitable contributions in the community.  We seek to educate and provide a forum for open discussion of the many uses for and specific ways in which people are everyday exploiting technology to create opportunities for themselves and others.

Steam the Chris Courchesne interview now! (WMA)

Stream the Chris Courchesne interview now! (MP3)