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Michael Platt's WebLog

Computer Engineering

I have added an article with links to all the DSL modelling articles I know of at...

Author: hdsw Date: 04/06/2004

Lightweight Architectural Design Process (LADP)

I went to see a mainframe customer about rearchitecting their system last week and went through a...

Author: hdsw Date: 04/01/2004

Ot 2004 Day 3

So on to the last day of Ot 2004. This started with a keynote by Joshua bloch on how to design a...

Author: hdsw Date: 04/01/2004

Ot 2004 Day 2

The second day of the UK OT 2004 conference dawned bright and sunny with Martin Fowler’s...

Author: hdsw Date: 03/31/2004

Ot 2004 Day 1

I am at the UK OT 2004 conference this week near Cambridge (England!) so will be blogging about what...

Author: hdsw Date: 03/30/2004

Mainframe Myths

Many techies are wary of mainframes because of the myths and mystique surrounding them. There are...

Author: hdsw Date: 03/25/2004


A customer who wanted to discuss mainframe interop phoned up one of the MS Business Managers...

Author: hdsw Date: 03/24/2004


The information in this weblog is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights. This...

Author: hdsw Date: 03/23/2004

Modelling is seen as a key area for complexity management, enhanced communication, improved...

Author: hdsw Date: 03/23/2004


I have signed up to do a Dynamic Systems Initiative talk in about a months time and so have been...

Author: hdsw Date: 03/22/2004

Friday Afternoon Quiz Fun

A couple of weeks ago I put up a quiz on some of the latest technologies to see how cutting edge...

Author: hdsw Date: 03/19/2004


A few days ago I talked about transactions and last night I was reviewing a new integration pattern...

Author: hdsw Date: 03/17/2004


I’m not much of a Language sort of guy (either real or computer, I failed French 3 times at...

Author: hdsw Date: 03/16/2004

Transactions through the Ages

I commented briefly yesterday about how the same things come up time after time with different...

Author: hdsw Date: 03/09/2004

SOA Guidance

One of the advantages of being old is that you get to see the same mistakes time and time again...

Author: hdsw Date: 03/08/2004

Friday Afternoon Quiz Fun

So how leading edge are you? Do you know all the latest TLA's? Have you spent hours on the phone to...

Author: hdsw Date: 03/05/2004

Platt's Third Law

My third law is not so much of a law as a principle and is about architectural modelling. Models are...

Author: hdsw Date: 03/05/2004

Platt's Second Law

Following on from my first law (see...

Author: hdsw Date: 03/04/2004

Modelling Revisited

A few years ago I built a big extension on my house. First of all I had to get the plans for the...

Author: hdsw Date: 03/03/2004

Architectural Types

Yesterday I was in a fully day of writing training so I hope you notice some improvement in my...

Author: hdsw Date: 02/19/2004


Keith Short has started a blog and has some comments about modelling. This is worth watching...

Author: hdsw Date: 02/18/2004

Architectural Quality

I have been thinking a lot about architectural quality and more specifically how to measure it. Code...

Author: hdsw Date: 02/17/2004

Architectural Infrastructure and Reliability

I really like architecting highly available systems; I think they are the most architecturally...

Author: hdsw Date: 02/16/2004

Being a Architectural Hero

Architecture is great because it is so easy to look like a hero. I talked about earlier in this blog...

Author: hdsw Date: 02/13/2004

SOA is SOBoring

In the toilet (bathroom in the US) here at Microsoft in the UK the mirrors have had a transfer...

Author: hdsw Date: 02/12/2004

Architectural Skills

So if Architecture is a skill that can be taught then can it be lost? I think it can in a very...

Author: hdsw Date: 02/10/2004

A plea for Architectural training

If architecting is a skill how can it improved? There is precious little architectural training...

Author: hdsw Date: 02/09/2004

Architectural thinking

In my last blog I hypothesised that Architectural analysis is slightly different from developer...

Author: hdsw Date: 02/06/2004

Architects and Developers

So one of my colleagues reading yesterdays blog shouted out to me across the office “You only...

Author: hdsw Date: 02/05/2004

Architectural Requirements and Quality

Thinking about Architectural Performance and Scalability following on from my Blog yesterday it...

Author: hdsw Date: 02/04/2004

Performance and Scalability

I have been reviewing the Microsoft Pattern and Practises group new PAG Guide - Improving .NET...

Author: hdsw Date: 02/03/2004


I am organising a conference next week on Architectural Modelling (at Brocket Hall, a really...

Author: hdsw Date: 02/02/2004

First Blog

So a quick intro. I'm an architect in the UK, moved back from Redmond six months ago. I have been...

Author: hdsw Date: 01/29/2004
