다음을 통해 공유

Sleep is overrated...

...or so I once wrote in a song (MP3: Deadline). I think I must have been younger then ;) and now that I listen to the current version of the song I think I changed the line to "Sleep for me's no option..." which certainly is not true! Songwriters rewrite and rewrite and rewrite, sometimes I do it too much I think.

The events of the past 6 weeks have made me appreciate a good night's sleep more than ever. Thank goodness I don't have any plants to feed... (listen to the song...)

I survived my first day in the new job but not, of course, without meeting 20 new people and getting lost (at least once) trying to find conference rooms in unfamiliar buildings.   But I made it through and am eager to go back for more! 

I even got to brainstorm with Scoble about a Channel 9 bit that I'm hoping to do soon!

And to think, I wrote my first intranet blog entry just about one year ago... I think 3 people read it.
