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Kirk Evans Blog

.NET From a Markup Perspective

DevComm5 Slides Available

For those who attended the DevComm5 training and asked for the slides, Dunn Training has been...

Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 04/21/2006

Update Available for Palm Treo 700w

MobilityToday reports that the Palm Treo 700w AKU2 is available for download: Something we have all...

Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 04/21/2006

Jon Flanders on Windows Workflow Foundation and ASP.NET

Jon Flanders has a concrete example of using WF and ASP.NET . This is one of the topics that I...

Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 04/20/2006

Web Service Geek? Go Read Pluralsight's blogs

I like to write in my blog, but I hardly read other blogs anymore. In fact, I don't have an...

Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 04/20/2006

DevComm5 - A Done Deal!

Wow... DevComm5 turned out huge! Microsoft partnered with Dunn Training to put on 5 1-day training...

Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 04/17/2006

Sorting XML With System.Xml.XPath.XPathExpression

This question came up twice this week, so I thought it warranted a quick post. If you want to...

Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 04/17/2006

Sean Gerety: PSP Background in XAML

Sean Gerety has been bitten by the WPF bug, and is doing some pretty cool stuff with XAML. Check out...

Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 04/11/2006

Microsoft eXtended: Microsoft’s Vision for Computing featuring IIS7, Vista, And IE7

I will be speaking at the Microsoft Security Summit this Thursday at the Cobb Galleria on "Microsoft...

Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 04/10/2006

ASP.NET 2.0 Resources From ScottGu

If you are wondering where to find more information on ASP.NET 2.0, look no further than these two...

Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 03/29/2006

Does Today Suck For You? There's still room in the next DevComm5

OK, so it's Monday, and you are thinking "man... I've got nothing really pressing to do, and I have...

Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 03/27/2006

Mondays Suck. Come to DEVCOMM5.

Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 03/13/2006

Web App Design: Avoid Writing to Disk, Part 2

Dasher left an interesting comment to my previous post on avoiding writing to disk: Don't you hit...

Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 03/11/2006

Web App Design: Avoid Writing to Disk

I get this question about once per month: I have a web app that accepts an image or XML document. I...

Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 03/10/2006

It Needs More Cowbell

Have you ever been working on a project and something just seems... missing? Sean Gerety pointed out...

Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 03/08/2006

XmlSerializerFactory Is Pretty Cool

The XmlSerializerFactory is a new class in .NET 2.0 that provides a factory pattern over the...

Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 03/08/2006

AT&T Nears Deal to Buy BellSouth for $64 Billion

I have been speculating about SBC buying BellSouth for awhile and in various audiences. It was...

Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 03/05/2006

Have a web service or page that calls another web service? Make it async

When Jeff Richter came to the Atlanta office, we were fortunate enough to hold him hostage in the...

Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 03/04/2006

Why Should You Care About Interfaces in ASMX? Because It Provides Versioning

My last set of posts have gotten some interesting feedback via email. People are asking why this is...

Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 03/02/2006

ASMX Hello World as it REALLY ought to be

I did a presentation on ASMX 2.0 in the Atlanta office that showed off designing services using...

Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 03/01/2006

The Code Room

Ya gotta check out Keith "Dot Net Daddy" Brown in The Code Room. Don't forget to pick up the...

Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 02/23/2006

Microsoft Soap Interop Server

Did you write your own WS-Addressing implementation? Do you want to know if your stack will interop...

Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 02/21/2006

Cool Visual Studio 2005 Feature: Snippets and Document Inference

I love learning new featuresof Visual Studio. Today, I saw an email from Chris Lovett where he...

Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 02/20/2006

Contravariance and Covariance

In a recent talk on What's New in C# 2.0, I explained the concepts of covariance and contravariance....

Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 02/20/2006

Orlando Code Camp - Look at these sessions!

Holy shmokes! The session list for the Orlando Code Camp looks awesome! Pick a buzzword or acronym,...

Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 02/17/2006

Enterprise Services: Some Light Reading

Yeah, I am back on the ES kick again. Some EnterpriseServices links to ponder. Using Distributed...

Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 02/15/2006

Atlanta Communications Sector Developer Workshop Featuring Jeffrey Richter: February 22nd

Sign up now, seating is limited. Jeffrey Richter will speak to the group on Building, Deploying, and...

Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 02/14/2006

Atlanta Communications Sector Architect Council With Jeffrey Richter: February 22nd

We are fortunate to have Jeffrey Richter of Wintellect speak to the Communications Sector Architect...

Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 02/14/2006

When Your USB Drive Crashes... Stellar

I get on a plane with my computer and an external USB hard drive. I had a layover for a couple...

Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 02/13/2006

Reclaimed My Outlook

Email is by far my most frequent mode of communication, followed by instant messaging. I could do...

Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 02/11/2006

Hosting Controls in Internet Explorer

I recently tried to do a simple demo of hosting a control in IE to show how the CLR will behave when...

Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 02/11/2006

Orlando .NET Code Camp

The Orlando .NET Code Camp registration is open. Sign up quickly, this one is sure to sell out fast....

Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 02/10/2006

ASMX HelloWorld As It Ought To Be

You're right, Christian... HelloWorld should look a lot different. Assuming it should be HelloWorld...

Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 02/05/2006

C# and VB.NET Code Snippets Parity

If you are a C# developer and have ever mistakenly created a VB.NET project, you might have noticed...

Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 02/02/2006

Changes to Blogs.msdn.com

There were some changes to blogs.msdn.com last night, most of which are administration-related. The...

Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 01/30/2006

Solving a WS-Oops with WSE 3.0 and a custom policy assertion

When a customer asked about supporting WSE 1.0 in .NET 2.0, it took some research to finally figure...

Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 01/29/2006

Controlling Proxy Generation via SchemaImporterExtensions

In my previous entry on Solving a WS-Oops with ASMX 2.0, I hinted at a code smell. One of the things...

Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 01/29/2006

Solving a WS-Oops With ASMX 2.0

A customer emailed asking about WSE 1.0 support in .NET 2.0. Unfortunately, WSE 1.0 is no longer...

Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 01/29/2006

My New Favorite Blog

I first got hooked on the art of debugging watching Tim Walton at the South Florida .NET Code Camp....

Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 01/25/2006

Access a file with a different user identity with Enterprise Services

A customer asked how they could access a file share using a different user identity. Imagine the...

Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 01/17/2006

Cool Command-Line Stuff

I love command-line stuff that helps me develop software quicker. Here are a couple commands that...

Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 01/16/2006

Kenny Wolf at Atlanta MS Professionals UG Tonight

Kenny Wolf, a developer from the Indigo team, will be at the Atlanta Microsoft Professionals User...

Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 01/16/2006

WSE 3.0 WebCasts

One of the innovations in WSE 3.0 is the addition of turnkey security scenarios. However, without...

Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 01/16/2006

Being an Evangelist

Guy Kawasaki posts on The Art of Evangelism. One of the points hits close to home: Learn to give a...

Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 01/15/2006

Creating and Deploying a ServicedComponent

I have a set of demos coming up to show off using ServicedComponents. I thought it would be...

Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 01/14/2006

Dr.Seuss on Avalon

Sean Gerety has an entertaining post on Avalon that Dr. Seuss would be proud of.

Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 01/10/2006

Developer Approach: How Would You Tackle This?

I have an idea for a set of blog posts that might get me out of the apparent writer's block I have...

Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 01/08/2006

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