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SQL Webcast Q&A log #3


So I did another webcast on SQL 2005 yesterday. It was on advanced Reporting Services.  I looked for the QA log and I found 5 logs for SQL webcast I have done. Have I really done 5 SQL webcast lately? 

here is all of the Q&A from them:


Question: What was that blog address?

Answer: https://blogs.technet.com/jweston/

Question: I'm having lots of problems with users creating local SSIS packages that run locally, but don't run on the server. They appear to be using standard SSIS-related objects. They keep getting "version" problems. What's going on?

Private Answer: No sounds like a security issue

Question: I am trying to migrate DTS pkgs from SQL2k to SQL2K5 Legacy folder in management studio. Everytime I run the wizard it runs and ends up with "STOPPED" as status for each package. But the wizard outcome on top left corner indicates Successful -- Ultimate result -- NO Packages under Legacy Folder. What I am I doing wrong here.

Private Answer: Migration of existing DTS packages is spotty at best, SSIS is completely re-written because of security changes. - Best advice is to re-create your packages with SSIS

Question: We DBAs are migrating their packages to the server and scheduling them, so security "shouldn't" be an issue. Ok, just wanted to see if you had any leads

Private Answer: With this description you have changed the context of your original question - When you say Migrating is this a migration of DTS packages or are you running SSIS packages that you created from within SSIS?

Question: I am not migrating to SSIS but to the legacy DTS engine with in SQL2K5

Private Answer: Maybe this will help - https://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms143706.aspx

Question: Is the sample on your blog? If not will it be published?

Answer: He usually has a follow-up to his Webcasts on his blog: https://blogs.technet.com/jweston

Question: Sorry.. let me re-formulate thoughts.... Developers design/run SSIS packages on local machine, then give us DBAs the dtsx file. We import them into SQL Server, schedule them, and when they run they bomb with error messages about "incompatible versions" on simple individual components (such as FileSystem Task). The server and clients have SP1.

Private Answer: Best place to start would be - https://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms138039.aspx also I would look at this complete guide available at - https://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms141026.aspx

Question: Can I use these services to replicate my DBs with another SQL server? How can I do that, and is it in realtime?

Private Answer: There are other options to replicate - Transaction Log Shipping, Database Mirroring, Peer to Peer replication...

Question: can search criteria be a dynamic variables?

Private Answer: I believe so

Question: Resource on SSIS

Answer: https://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms141026.aspx

Question: You mention that there was another webcast on this topic. Can you specify link to the previous webcast.

Answer: https://www.microsoft.com/events/EventDetails.aspx?CMTYSvcSource=MSCOMMedia\&Params=%7eCMTYDataSvcParams%5e%7earg+Name%3d%22ID%22+Value%3d%221032330324%22%2f%5e%7earg+Name%3d%22ProviderID%22+Value%3d%22A6B43178-497C-4225-BA42-DF595171F04C%22%2f%5e%7earg+Name%3d%22lang%22+Value%3d%22en%22%2f%5e%7earg+Name%3d%22cr%22+Value%3d%22US%22%2f%5e%7esParams%5e%7e%2fsParams%5e%7e%2fCMTYDataSvcParams%5e

Question: When will 64-bit SSIS achieve the same full functionality and run options as the 32-bit version?

Private Answer: That would be a product group question - Sorry