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OneNote Testing

What it is like to be a tester on the Microsoft OneNote team and day to day life as an SDET in Office. Plus a few tips for using OneNote and an occasional powertoy.

Rock and Roll!

4 testers from the OneNote team participated in the Rock and Roll half marathon here in Seattle last...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 06/27/2011

Two different approaches to testing a server

I had a discussion yesterday with a tester on the team about predicting and measuring server...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 06/23/2011

Duct tape, twitter, keyboards and OneNote

Long time readers will know I keep a live twitter feed, filtered on OneNote, displayed for everyone...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 06/20/2011

An intern comes by to talk about OneNote

I was sitting in my office today and noticed a fellow in the hallway looking at the Twitter feed I...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 06/16/2011

Tip: Disabling spell check underlining in the OneNote Web Client

Steve Hollasch has been at it again. He figured out a way to "disable" spell check in the OneNote...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 06/13/2011

A tip for working with outlines in OneNote

I was digging through OneNote this week looking to increase test coverage for OneNote automation...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 06/09/2011

It Came From PCR!

How's that for a nice little homage to 1950s horror movies? "PCR" is an acronym we have...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 06/06/2011

OneNote tip: Jumping to Frequently Used Pages

Steve Hollasch is an avid OneNote user here at Microsoft and, with Dan's help, came up with a pretty...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 06/02/2011

Getting to the OneNote API with Python

Just when I thought I might get bored on a three day weekend (here in the USA, it is Memorial Day...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 05/27/2011

Back to working efficiently

A quick recap - I had been intentionally performing a lot of testing work manually in order to track...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 05/26/2011

Working inefficiently in the test team

I've spent the last two weeks being very inefficient. Obviously, I had a reason for this and it goes...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 05/19/2011

Tip: Synonyms in OneNote

An email came through my inbox recently wanting to know how to get synonyms working in OneNote. The...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 05/16/2011

If it could have gone wrong…

We're getting a new tester next week and one of the things I need to do before she starts is get her...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 05/12/2011

One of the problems with hard coded strings

Just about a year ago, I wrote about a problem our automation scripts had with hard coded strings....

Author: JohnGuin Date: 05/09/2011

OneNote Printer Troubleshooting Tips

I've been working quite a bit recently on the OneNote Printer.  I had a bug reported with my...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 05/05/2011

Source Code for the updated Table Powertoy for OneNote

Just a short note today. Below my signature is the download file for the updates Brad Covell made...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 05/02/2011

Updated: The OneNote Table of Contents and Sorter Powertoy

Brad Covell took a look at the OneNote Table of Contents and Table Sorter powertoy and realized that...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 04/28/2011

It happens to us all

I often use car analogies to describe software testing. Another case for this happened to me today,...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 04/25/2011

An email leads to a quick discussion on infinite page size in OneNote

I got an email from a fellow writing a OneNote addin that led to our page size being infinite. On...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 04/21/2011

Jumping the gun on a bug report

So the other day I power up my laptop in its docking station. This is my dogfood machine and I was...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 04/18/2011

A nice OneNote project from Arizona State University

I was out earlier this week and missed this in email when it came in. But it's still really...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 04/14/2011

A tip to get a column of data from a OneNote table

Here's a neat trick I found to quickly use the mouse to get a column of data out of a OneNote table....

Author: JohnGuin Date: 04/07/2011

Updating another automation test to increase stability

To make a long story short, I have a test that checks to ensure PNG files are created in the local...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 04/04/2011

OneNote Onesies

We had reason to give out two of these today to a couple of people that will have needs for these in...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 03/31/2011

A stylus blew up

I've had (more than?) my fair share of hardware problems, but this one is new. One of the testers on...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 03/28/2011

Some test planning is happening over the next few weeks

One of the major tasks our test team faces is creating test tools, automation and processes to...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 03/25/2011

Taking a break from testing OneNote as we get to spring

Yesterday, Ricky and I took a short break from testing. We ran in the Mercer Island Half Marathon....

Author: JohnGuin Date: 03/21/2011

I just got teased for using a pencil and paper instead of OneNote

I just got caught using a pencil and paper to write comments all over a document one of our program...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 03/17/2011

Getting hot in the OneNote hallway

One of the offices we had occupied is getting converted into 2 new offices. The construction work...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 03/14/2011

PCR: Saying goodbye to an old tablet

Machines often get replaced around here. Sometimes the old machines get reused - maybe it gets...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 03/10/2011

A treeview control for OneNote 2007

While cleaning out my email a short while ago, I found a tree view control for OneNote 2007 I had...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 03/07/2011

A silly hallway conversation reminds me about boundary cases

Dan Escapa, Gary and I were having a hallway conversation about some obscure thing and somehow the...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 03/03/2011

My printer automation is failing

I got a report that the OneNote printer automation test I own was not passing recently. I doubted...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 02/28/2011

Opening a OneNote page each day at the same time

Here's how to set OneNote to open a particular page at a certain time each day. This was asked in...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 02/23/2011

I just noticed this...

I have 5 notebooks I have shared with others on SkyDrive. What I just noticed was that the only real...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 02/21/2011

Final update for Code To OneNote

David Tinney updated the Code To OneNote addin for Visual Studio again. He streamlined the copy...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 02/17/2011

A lawyer over on the social group had an interesting question over the weekend. Here it is: I.m a...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 02/14/2011

Updated the image importer for OneNote 2010

Just a quick note that I updated the image importer to allow TIFF files to be imported. This was...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 02/10/2011

Language neutral automation

This is more fallout from me digging through my mailbox and deleting old emails. I found this from...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 02/07/2011

Frustrating automation investigations

So I have an automated test which checks our ability to insert PDF files into OneNote, and it fails,...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 02/03/2011

Looking at the code for the sort pages powertoy

There really is not a lot to this code. Ultimately, it reads the names of each page grouping into a...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 01/31/2011

Excellent tutorial for creating ribbon based addins for OneNote

Malte Ahrens has created a super "how to" guide for creating addins that use ribbon controls for...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 01/27/2011

Updating the Page Sorter powertoy for OneNote 2010

Way back in 2007, Dan Escapa wrote a powertoy to alphabetize pages. He was good enough to send me...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 01/24/2011

An update to the CodeToOneNote Visual Studio addin

David has been busy adding to his CodeTo1Note addin. He sent me the update (below my signature...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 01/13/2011

Powertoys from the OneNote Test Team for 2010

Every January, I compile a list of the powertoys the test team gave out the previous year. This...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 01/10/2011

An Outlook routine to export sticky notes and then import them to OneNote

Bill was looking for a way to move his Outlook sticky notes to OneNote. Way back when, I wrote an...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 01/06/2011

Looking at the code for the image importer

Looking at the code for the image importer doesn't show many changes from the text importer. A few...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 01/04/2011

A tip to get a keyboard shortcut for the "Center Text"–command in OneNote 2010

This question bubbled up over on the social group: "What is the keyboard combination for...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 12/30/2010

A bulk image importer powertoy for OneNote 2010

"Vince" wrote to me a while back and asked if there was any way to update the text importer to...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 12/20/2010

A nice letter from a teacher using OneNote

This email comes from a math teacher in BC, Canada. I asked his permission to post it, and he...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 12/16/2010

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