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OneNote Testing

What it is like to be a tester on the Microsoft OneNote team and day to day life as an SDET in Office. Plus a few tips for using OneNote and an occasional powertoy.

Two new items to track for OneNote enthusiasts

It's been very busy around here. The upside to November and December at Microsoft is that plenty of...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 11/26/2007

An easier way to troubleshoot addins for OneNote

I got fed up with attaching a debugger to addins in OneNote. The typical process (as suggested by...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 11/21/2007

Table trouble

I had to relearn the lesson of paying attention to details recently. I was writing some code to work...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 11/19/2007

Brouhaha with verifying my math script during automation week

I tried to get my automation script for payment verification as part of the napkin math area checked...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 11/06/2007

It's automation focus week in OneNote Test

We started another automation push yesterday and are turning out new scripts, fixing old, clearing...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 11/01/2007

My first thoughts on OneNote when I came to the team

When I first came to the OneNote team, I got sent links to no less than 15 notebooks, had my monitor...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 10/29/2007

Troubleshooting as a core testing ability: a true story

An ability all testers need is troubleshooting. When presented with a problem, testers need to be...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 10/25/2007

Everyone should have to work in technical support first

I was on a recruiting trip to Texas last week with some other Microsoft employees. We got to work...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 10/22/2007

Logs, Lns and Log10: OneNote gets it right

As I mentioned before, one of the areas of OneNote I took when I came to the team was what we call...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 10/11/2007

Shared Source Object Model Update 1

I wanted to share the status of our shared object model over on https://www.codeplex.com/onom So far,...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 10/08/2007

More lessons learned when taking notes in a class environment

I'm still using OneNote 2007 to take notes on an ordinary differential equations class I downloaded...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 10/04/2007

Using (and testing) OneNote in a classroom

I was wondering aloud the other day about how students use OneNote in a class environment. I've...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 10/01/2007

An addin to manage printouts to OneNote

I was talking with Jeff Cardon the other day about an addin I was creating to take slides decks...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 09/19/2007

A Shared Source Object Model for OneNote project

Donovan Lange, a developer from OneNote last release, started a managed code object model as a side...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 09/17/2007

Testing Insert Date and Time functionality

One of the areas I took over when coming to the OneNote team is the functionality that inserts the...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 09/10/2007

Make Subpage addin updated, and a Lenovo update

Thanks to a couple of testers (pebuaa and Joe), Jeff Cardon patched his make subpage addin to work...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 09/07/2007

A good bug report with the Replace the Outlook Sticky Notes folder with OneNote

One of the bugs discovered with the powertoy to start OneNote instead of opening the Outlook sticky...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 09/04/2007

Finding an easier way to reproduce a bug

We spent a good amount of time trying to reproduce the exact customer reported problem trying to...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 08/30/2007

What is it with the Netherlands?

First it was Theo Buis reporting a problem with merging pages and now Bart Wessels, a technology...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 08/29/2007

The story of the bug with merge pages

Theo Buis found a bug in the merge pages powertoy. He lives in the Netherlands and the addin was...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 08/27/2007

Yet another OneNote Powertoy

A great part of working in OneNote test is the people on our team. Take Jeff Cardon (again), for...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 08/23/2007

Using our powertoys to test OneNote & updating MergePages

----edited info----Jeff Cardon fixed a crashing bug in the merge pages addin. If you tried to merge...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 08/20/2007

Bug fix available for Vista users using Windows Offline Files

There is a fix from the Vista team for problems related to synching an offline file to a server and...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 08/17/2007

Merge Pages in OneNote Powertoy

Time for another useful powertoy! This addin, written by our own Jeff Cardon, merges selected pages...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 08/16/2007

Getting the Gateway set up

I've had my Gateway for a week, and finally have it set up pretty much the way I intend to use it....

Author: JohnGuin Date: 08/13/2007

Using the tablet as a tester

Tablet PCs are just great. I did not ever want a notebook of any sort for work since I hate being in...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 08/10/2007

Using my new tablet as a tester

Tablet PCs are just great. I resisted ever getting a notebook of any sort for work since I hate...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 08/09/2007

Knowing when to say "when" - Goodbye, X60 Tablet PC...

Goodbye, Lenovo Thinkpad X60. In addition to the problems I had in the past, I experienced a new one...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 08/06/2007

Trying to use OneNote to go 100% paperless on a trip, and not hitting that goal

For the first time in a long time, I had some time away from work and did NOT write an addin for...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 07/30/2007

The (slow) tree control I use in my addins

Back when was working on my text file importer and the Project Gutenberg addin...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 07/23/2007

Favorites for OneNote

Looking through the website https://www.onenotepowertoys.com (I have no idea who owns this site -...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 07/19/2007

Using customer feedback to alter testing plans

The past few months have been pretty busy for the test team, but busy in a good way. We just...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 07/16/2007

Table of Contents powertoy!

Note: as of Jan 5, 2009, there is a slightly updated version of this powertoy at...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 07/12/2007

Monitoring the discussion groups

Someone asked me where I get some of the ideas for the powertoys I create. Mostly, I steal the ideas...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 07/09/2007

More speed boost testing

Since I do not want to crack open my Lenovo, I decided to use Vista's ability to lower the amount of...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 07/05/2007

A cheap speed increase for OneNote

I was reading some blogs about OneNote and stumbled across this one:...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 07/02/2007

More setup testing

For users who cannot see the button even after following the previous steps, try reinstalling and...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 06/28/2007

Responding to feedback

I've received some feedback that the toolbar button for the Copy to Device addin is not being shown....

Author: JohnGuin Date: 06/25/2007

Feedback on the Copy to Device Powertoy

If you look carefully at the code for the Copy to Device addin (which needs a good name) you will...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 06/22/2007

Log file vs. error dialogs

One of the tricks I like to use is creation of a log file while my addin runs.  I typically will log...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 06/19/2007

Lenovo Woes

I had hoped to go over some of the testing for the copy to device addin, but my tablet (Thinkpad...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 06/14/2007

Making pages easier to sync with a mobile device

I was thinking of a tool to somehow send selected pages from my different OneNote notebooks to my...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 06/11/2007

A tool to import texts from Project Gutenberg

Here's the tool I wrote to import "Project Gutenberg" (link: https://www.gutenberg.org) texts into...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 05/31/2007

Working with literature books in OneNote

One way I use OneNote with my tablet is to make comments on text. I generally have a column of text...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 05/24/2007

Resolving the bug testing found

I'm back from vacation and ready to resolve the bug in my little application with Outlook and...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 05/21/2007

Fixing a problem with my addin

Back to the bug with the addin which opens OneNote whenever you open an Outlook sticky notes folder....

Author: JohnGuin Date: 05/07/2007

Corrupt File Problems – What to Do?

Sorry for all the problems with the ZIP files. I mentioned it in a posting - there is a bug in...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 05/04/2007

Customer feedback results in another powertoy

I'm going to go off on a tangent here. Another role OneNote testers have is that of customer...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 04/30/2007

Looking at one simple test

So now I have an application to test and I want to get moving. My next step is to take each item...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 04/25/2007

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