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This week at Ajax World

It’s conference season.

Last week I was at the PHP Quebec conference.


This week ………


I’m in New York City this week speaking at Ajax World.

Just being here and staying at the beautiful Roosevelt Hotel at 45th & Madison has been a fun blast from the past. I worked in Manhattan for five years.

I’ve run into a number of old friends and coworkers, and, even though I’m pretty over committed these days at work and have spent much of the conference in my hotel room working, I’ve managed to tour the expo floor, meet with many of the vendors and get a look at their products, talk to lots of customers at the Microsoft booth, and attend some interesting sessions.

There are about 1000 people here and there have been a few revelations.

1.) Ajax is even hotter than I thought.

2.) There is HUGE interest from large enterprises, venture capital firms, and the like.

3.) There is still lack of understanding about what Ajax means to application design and architecture and User Experience.

4.) Most people STILL don’t know Microsoft offers great FREE Developer Tools !

Get Yours Here : https://msdn.microsoft.com/vstudio/express/

Next week ………

I’m presenting on AJAX at the Microsoft Technology Summit on the campus in Redmond and spending a couple of days meeting with the dev tools and platforms product units to discuss some really interesting new resources for developers.

Stay tuned !