Doing all the Research for my upcoming DigitalBlackbelt Web cast series has me jazzed up.
I dropped into SoftPro Books in Waltham last tuesday - MAN I Hate that place.
Cost's me a fortune !
- Anonymous
February 04, 2005
Thats a lot of books Joe, the pragmatic unit testing and master regex books are great books. Gonna keep you busy for some time ;-) - Anonymous
February 04, 2005
The comment has been removed - Anonymous
February 04, 2005
Joe -
Does your boss (@MSFT) reimburse book costs? :-)
I can get some tax write-offs with mine.
I usually look a book over at the local Borders or BN and then order it via Amazon (or used) or BookPool..
Every penny counts - these books aren't cheap (anymore)... - Anonymous
February 04, 2005
Nope - Mike (my Boss) is a pretty reasonable guy, but useually books come out of my own pocket.
I take the tax deductions though. - Anonymous
February 04, 2005
That looks almost exactly like my bookshelf! :)
I have 15 of those, plus many, many more on It's a full time job in itself to keep up on it all!
Good luck with the webcasts!