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Mike Stall's .NET Debugging Blog

Notes on Managed Debugging, ICorDebug, and random .NET stuff

It's obvious that a project with 10 people requires some form of Source Control. But I find source...

Author: Mike Stall - MSFT Date: 12/14/2005

Some tools work by replacing instructions in the target app. The tool may introduce a jump to some...

Author: Mike Stall - MSFT Date: 12/13/2005

MDbg and the managed wrappers around ICorDebug only work on .NET 2.0 (VS2005). I previously...

Author: Mike Stall - MSFT Date: 12/13/2005

It's the Christmas season, we've decorated our house, and I figured I'd decorate my blog too! It's...

Author: Mike Stall - MSFT Date: 12/11/2005

Here's an EVIL trick to render your UI in a winforms app when you're stopped at a breakpoint. When...

Author: Mike Stall - MSFT Date: 12/07/2005

It's great that 2005 has shipped. I personally enjoy using it for my own pet projects and I'm very...

Author: Mike Stall - MSFT Date: 12/05/2005

We've updated the MDbg source sample (download here) for Visual Studio 2005. This latest round of...

Author: Mike Stall - MSFT Date: 12/01/2005

Somebody asked here on the forums if you can use VS 2003 to debug .NET 2.0 (whidbey) apps....

Author: Mike Stall - MSFT Date: 11/30/2005

I wrote a simple tool to take a snapshot of a running managed process and dump the output as an XML...

Author: Mike Stall - MSFT Date: 11/28/2005

I created a blog category for Func-eval (aka Property Evaluation), and I updated some of my old...

Author: Mike Stall - MSFT Date: 11/23/2005

I stumbled across this by accident. If you want a radio in your office, just call a service...

Author: Mike Stall - MSFT Date: 11/21/2005

Sometimes you need to take several different streams of information and "stitch" them together into...

Author: Mike Stall - MSFT Date: 11/21/2005

I'm currently reading: "Why Programs Fail", by Andreas Zeller. The basic premise is that there's a...

Author: Mike Stall - MSFT Date: 11/18/2005

I haven't actually checked in a code change to the CLR in months now. Yesterday I made my first...

Author: Mike Stall - MSFT Date: 11/17/2005

I've updated the MDbg GUI. We'll be integrating this into the actual MDbg sample and it will all be...

Author: Mike Stall - MSFT Date: 11/15/2005

Funceval (aka "Function Evaluation" or "Property Evaluation") is the ability to inject some...

Author: Mike Stall - MSFT Date: 11/15/2005

Today I gave a presentation on AOP + debuggability on .NET as part of Microsoft's AOP workshop...

Author: Mike Stall - MSFT Date: 11/15/2005

The ContextSwitchDeadLock MDA (I blogged about MDAs here) sometimes fires under the debugger. MSDN...

Author: Mike Stall - MSFT Date: 11/11/2005

Whidbey has has added Manage Debug Assistants (MDAs), which are like advanced log messages for...

Author: Mike Stall - MSFT Date: 11/10/2005

I'll be giving a short presentation at an upcoming Microsoft workshop on Aspect Oriented Programming...

Author: Mike Stall - MSFT Date: 11/08/2005

MDbg is a debugger for managed code written entirely in C# (and IL), which started shipping in the...

Author: Mike Stall - MSFT Date: 11/08/2005

I want to summarize in one place our views on Mdbg and Cordbg, and our plans for their future. Our...

Author: Mike Stall - MSFT Date: 11/07/2005

My home computer was a 5 year old x86 single-proc 600 mhz. Stop laughing! It ran Windows XP, Visual...

Author: Mike Stall - MSFT Date: 11/06/2005

... is that we don't want the platform making policy decisions. In general, any time the platform...

Author: Mike Stall - MSFT Date: 11/06/2005

It's possible for a managed debugger to attach to an app and inject arbitrary stub code into the...

Author: Mike Stall - MSFT Date: 11/06/2005

I blogged here about how you can use the System.Diagnostics.StackTrace class to get a stack trace of...

Author: Mike Stall - MSFT Date: 11/05/2005

You can't debug your own process. Both managed and native debugging are process-wide, and so the...

Author: Mike Stall - MSFT Date: 11/05/2005

I've updated the MDbg gui to provide IL debugging. I blogged here that the CLR actually lets you...

Author: Mike Stall - MSFT Date: 11/04/2005

Here's an example where adding a very useful (and seemingly innocent) method could prevent some...

Author: Mike Stall - MSFT Date: 11/02/2005

As you've probably already heard by now, VS2005 has shipped! I've been using VS2005 for a while now...

Author: Mike Stall - MSFT Date: 10/27/2005

We do a thing called "Scenario Testing" where we run through common end-user scenarios to make sure...

Author: Mike Stall - MSFT Date: 10/26/2005

Shawn Farkas just let me know that the latest Iron Python 9.3 release breaks my Iron-Python Mdbg...

Author: Mike Stall - MSFT Date: 10/17/2005

What new feature requests do you want in the managed debugging services? In other words, if you...

Author: Mike Stall - MSFT Date: 10/12/2005

Here's how the managed symbol API fits into the overall symbol-store / PDB picture, courtesy of...

Author: Mike Stall - MSFT Date: 10/08/2005

Tim Stall writes a .Net blog for .Net Developer’s Journal...

Author: Mike Stall - MSFT Date: 10/05/2005

When you hit a managed-breakpoint while managed-only debugging, only the managed threads are...

Author: Mike Stall - MSFT Date: 10/04/2005

From the CLR perspective, ASP.Net is just another managed application. You can just attach MDbg to...

Author: Mike Stall - MSFT Date: 10/03/2005

Several people have asked how managed debugger tools can print more details about an exception, such...

Author: Mike Stall - MSFT Date: 10/02/2005

Visual Studio supports "Remote Debugging" (Gregg talks about that a lot here), which is the ability...

Author: Mike Stall - MSFT Date: 10/01/2005

It's been about a year since I first started blogging. At first, I wasn't sure if I should do it...

Author: Mike Stall - MSFT Date: 09/30/2005

Ok. With that last post, I believe I've completely caught up with all outstanding private emails...

Author: Mike Stall - MSFT Date: 09/30/2005

From the mailbag: Just wanted to know if there are plans to ever give us world citizens an API to...

Author: Mike Stall - MSFT Date: 09/30/2005

There's a key distinction between a platform (like the CLR debugging services) enabling a scenario...

Author: Mike Stall - MSFT Date: 09/29/2005

Calls to Debugger.Log in a debuggee can generate a ICorDebugManagedCallback::LogMessage managed...

Author: Mike Stall - MSFT Date: 09/28/2005

Several people have written me to say that they're writing their own language (let's say 'X') and...

Author: Mike Stall - MSFT Date: 09/28/2005

One of the things I like about C# anonymous delegates is that the codegen is clever enough that...

Author: Mike Stall - MSFT Date: 09/28/2005

Customers have alerted us that the MDBg sample is broken on post-beta 2 builds. Rick Byers has...

Author: Mike Stall - MSFT Date: 09/22/2005

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