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James O'Neill's blog

Windows Platform, Virtualization and PowerShell with a little Photography for good measure.

Screencast and Q&A: Hyper-V integration components Disk and Network behaviour

I had a really nice mail over new year from an influential IT Pros with more than a passing interest...

Author: James ONeill Date: 01/07/2008

Too many Gates ...

This is currently in my BBC news feed The highlighted one is Bill talking about his vision of the...

Author: James ONeill Date: 01/07/2008

ScreenCast: Unboxing Server 2008 and Hyper-V

Jason Langridge often links to "Unboxing" videos: the idea is to take a new gadget show it and what...

Author: James ONeill Date: 01/07/2008

Inspector Morse is dead, alas.

My respect for Inspector Gadget wavered just a fraction when he appeared to question whether the...

Author: James ONeill Date: 01/01/2008

On blogging, leaking, disclosure and the like.

It's a new year, and that always means a new start, and a certain amount of spring cleaning. I'll be...

Author: James ONeill Date: 01/01/2008

One thing I didn't want for Christmas...

...was any kind of branded clothing. Since our cleaner decided to get out of the business, my shirts...

Author: James ONeill Date: 01/01/2008

Powershell interview with Jeffrey Snover

Powershell with Jeffrey Snover (IT Forum 2007) At IT forum in Barcelona, I went to the powershell...

Author: James ONeill Date: 01/01/2008

Another year comes to another ending*.

Eileen has made here own pick of Gimundo's "What I've learned" page (oddly termed the URL is...

Author: James ONeill Date: 12/31/2007

Happy... whatever

Part of me wants to call out people I don't want to wish happiness, what I'd wish them is far too...

Author: James ONeill Date: 12/22/2007

Virtualization futures revisited

I'm not a winter person. Things which one would normally take in one's stride become the...

Author: James ONeill Date: 12/20/2007

The Tafiti code

I blogged about Tafiti before, it's had a "Halo 3" skin applied since, but you can still see the...

Author: James ONeill Date: 12/19/2007

USB Battery

Warning Neither I nor Microsoft will take any responsibility for what happens if you follow...

Author: James ONeill Date: 12/14/2007

MY reason for having Office 2007 SP1

I've blogged about this twice already, but now it's on my system I have one bug-fix to report. I...

Author: James ONeill Date: 12/14/2007

Hyper-V BETA (not CTP) is now available.

In the UK we take the Mickey Bliss out of the Americans for saying they are super-excited. For once...

Author: James ONeill Date: 12/13/2007

Slides, Slides and more Slides.

I'm presenting (again) in a few minutes, and still have a link which my friend David sent me on my...

Author: James ONeill Date: 12/13/2007

More on office SP1 (pass the tin hat)

It was an interesting journey to work. Between the fog, ice and roadworks and traffic police who...

Author: James ONeill Date: 12/13/2007

Not dead ....

When I put new words to the Blue monster, I used the way Terry Pratchett got one of his characters...

Author: James ONeill Date: 12/12/2007

Window borders...

My carbon footprint has got worse: after the travel of the Road-show, I popped up to Leeds last...

Author: James ONeill Date: 12/12/2007

Office 2007 Service pack now out

The title says is all really. Details of what is in the service pack are in KB article 936982 and...

Author: James ONeill Date: 12/12/2007

News in the pipeline ...

Every now and then I get forewarned of some news, and with due warning not to be the one who breaks...

Author: James ONeill Date: 12/12/2007

VMware and patching

When Steve and I were on tour talking about Microsoft Virtualization, we were asked similar...

Author: James ONeill Date: 12/09/2007

Vista SP1 to drop "Reduced functionality mode"

I guess I'm not the only person in Microsoft who thought that stopping software working when it...

Author: James ONeill Date: 12/09/2007

The voice of Co-pilot 7

When I had my previous smartphone, I decided I'd try running Satellite Navigation software on it....

Author: James ONeill Date: 12/07/2007

Windows Server 2008 and Vista SP1 Release candidates

I had a mail overnight from the Microsoft Connect service saying that as registered user Vista SP1...

Author: James ONeill Date: 12/06/2007

Word of the day: Schadenfreude

Some years ago now we were visiting the a German cousin of my wife's; and the conversation somehow...

Author: James ONeill Date: 12/06/2007

Product life cycles (and Virtual Server 2005)

It's always nice when someone says James O'Neill, IT Pro Evangelist at Microsoft, reveals that...

Author: James ONeill Date: 12/05/2007

Thames Valley Park* ...

In my quest trying to find something for an earlier post, I found this image which was too good not...

Author: James ONeill Date: 12/04/2007

Do you trust your search engine ?

No, not a question about the information Google keeps on you... Catching up on my news stories from...

Author: James ONeill Date: 12/04/2007

Interfaces from hell ...

I mentioned Electronics weekly and their made for Monkeys column. Two more of these caught my eye....

Author: James ONeill Date: 12/02/2007

It must be the truth #2. Astroturf and a rather less green Apple.

Silly me believing stuff I read on the Internet. First there was the The register's story about only...

Author: James ONeill Date: 12/01/2007

Office 2007 support for Windows mobile

One of our Redmond product managers was visiting today, and since he's old friend of mine from my...

Author: James ONeill Date: 11/30/2007

Virtualization futures

A number of questions have come up in recent conversations about Virtualization. So here's a run...

Author: James ONeill Date: 11/30/2007

A blog post about using PowerShell to get blog posts (about PowerShell)

I guess the thing I like best about PowerShell its ability to make the business of getting stuff on...

Author: James ONeill Date: 11/30/2007

Exchange 2007 SP1 released

The news went live on the Exchange Web Page yesterday. Technet Magazine has "16 new features in...

Author: James ONeill Date: 11/30/2007

It must be the truth ‘cos it’s there in the news

I have learnt better than to read everything I read on The register. But, deary, deary me. It seems...

Author: James ONeill Date: 11/28/2007

You don't want to start from here.

Holiday and Tech-Ed IT-Forum have caused me a backlog. I've more reading than I know what to do with...

Author: James ONeill Date: 11/25/2007

Video clips - MS Developers on YouTube.

Eileen linked to Jeffrey Snover's video in the MS Developers area on YouTube. She and I separately...

Author: James ONeill Date: 11/24/2007

7M families personal data mislaid by government.

At Tech-ed IT Forum I went to watch a couple of Steve Riley's session, he's quite the showman, but...

Author: James ONeill Date: 11/20/2007

Confessions of an environmental hypocrite.

I started tapping this out on my Smartphone at 30,000 feet as I headed for my fourth airport in 20...

Author: James ONeill Date: 11/15/2007

What else did I miss ?

So I said that we'd done a lot while I was away , other gems now sifted from my inbox include. As...

Author: James ONeill Date: 11/15/2007

Shooting fish.

A while ago I wrote about getting a new camera to take diving. Rather spookily one of the mails in...

Author: James ONeill Date: 11/13/2007

A week is a long time ...

I've been away scuba diving for a week and that's meant no news, no e-mail and no RSS feeds. Turn...

Author: James ONeill Date: 11/13/2007

The one hope against the database state.

I blogged yesterday about the database stated and referred to No2ID including their example of...

Author: James ONeill Date: 11/02/2007

From the "I want one of those" file.

I was sure Scoble mentioned Eye fi ages ago .... He did. How's this for Cool. A 2GB SD card with...

Author: James ONeill Date: 11/01/2007

And I get paid for doing this ?

Actually, no. I got bribed with free sandwiches to use my lunch time testing stuff for First lego...

Author: James ONeill Date: 11/01/2007

A police state ?

I've talked about serendipity a few times before. And a couple of strands in the News today show it...

Author: James ONeill Date: 11/01/2007

Linux Virtual Machine additions 2.0 .

I had to check the URL for Port 25 in the last post (is it technet ... or MSDN ? its...

Author: James ONeill Date: 11/01/2007

Security and blogging.

This would normally be one for Steve, but he's got a few days away... Kim Cameron's blog got hacked;...

Author: James ONeill Date: 11/01/2007

Phase one: Capture one V4 has a new beta.

Hot on the heels of the announcement that Phase one and Microsoft had entered an alliance I got a...

Author: James ONeill Date: 10/31/2007

Sometimes I feel like a woman.

No. Not like that. But every time I read about things about "What Women want in the work place", I...

Author: James ONeill Date: 10/31/2007

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