Moving from VB to PowerShell
I'm continuing to fiddle with PowerShell.
I have 28 years of BASIC under my belt Starting with a DEC PDP 8/f moving onto Microsoft Basic with the Commodore PET (hands up who remembers Poke 59468,14 and ,12 ?) , through the AppleSoft version of it, and Sinclair Spectrum (with it's one touch expansion of tokens, M was pause - my mnemonic - PAWS on a Mouse.) Through Access Basic, Word Basic, VB version 1 and so on.... So when I what to convert a number to it's ASCII character I know it's CHR$(x) - or in these enlightened times where we don't put $ on string variables and functions any more than we use line numbers and Goto - simply CHR(x). So what's the Powershell equivalent ? (1)
If you're at the same stage of learning Powershell as I am , a technet page called Converting VBScript Commands to Windows PowerShell Commands is a fantastic resource. Enjoy.
Technorati tags: Microsoft, powershell, VB, Visual Basic
(1) [Char]$x does it.
- Anonymous
July 12, 2007
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