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One Louder

Exploring the fine line between clever and stupid. Heather Hamilton is a Staffing Manager and Microsoft Employee Evangelist.

Darn you, clocky

I rarely use an alarm clock anymore, but when I do, I frequently do the snooze button routine. In my...

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 01/31/2007

BillG on the Daily Show last night

Bill Gates was on the Daily Show with Jon Stewart last night. I often wonder why the staff at the...

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 01/30/2007

Only "urgent" customer service issues addressed? What? You aren't kidding?

I used the Online Wall Street Journal at some point last year. I don't really recall what I was...

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 01/29/2007

Lessons from The Apprentice

Finally got caught up on my Apprentice watching this weekend. Well, kind of. I think I missed the...

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 01/29/2007

Mustaches invade blogosphere

What I find interesting about this 2000 bloggers project, aside from the fact that I'm one of the...

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 01/26/2007

Playing favorites with Recruiting Tools

Any time two or more recruiters are in a room together, the subject of tools comes up; tools for...

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 01/26/2007

Search often and tell your friends

MSN recently launched an initiative in cooperation with the UN High Commissioner on Refugees,...

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 01/23/2007

Snow days = hunker down and get stuff done days

As much as I'd rather be able to drive off my property (which I have not done in 5 or 6...

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 01/15/2007

Tragically unhip. And you?

If you want to know the difference between New York hipsters and the rest of us: Nicholas Feltron is...

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 01/11/2007

It's going to snow and I am pretty sure there is some weird planetary stuff going on

Steve Raible, who wishes his name was Bluster Winblower, just said that "winter is most definitely...

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 01/09/2007

What I think about The Apprentice...

...nothing yet. Was it my subconscious that kept me from adding the show to my list of programs to...

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 01/08/2007

Taking deep breaths

Noooooo! Not MY Pete Carroll! Please. No.

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 01/08/2007

There's nothing like a fresh start

There's something about the beginning of new year feels like a fresh start (even though it's our...

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 01/03/2007

No more celebrating...I need rest!

OK, first of all, Happy Birthday to me! Yay, I'm finally 29! Oh and for that guy that doesn't get...

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 12/26/2006

Five things you don't know about me

Charlene Li tagged me and frankly, I'm flattered to be in such impressive company. The idea behind...

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 12/21/2006

Expecting power...

Wednesday or Thursday, optimistically. This weekend at the latest, I hope. Today's goal is to do...

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 12/19/2006

Brief glimmer of normalcy

As I unloaded the food from my refrigerator into the garbage can (it had begun to smell), I made a...

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 12/18/2006

Update: I'm alright

Holy cow. It has been quite a weekend. I'm sure you can tell what's happening around here from the...

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 12/17/2006

On a dark and stormy night

It looks like we are in for some weather. The meteorologists predict high winds and lots of rain...

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 12/14/2006

Lest I forget where I fall in the pecking order

Bloggers invited to meet Bill Gates. I was not one of them. Hmpf.

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 12/13/2006

Launching a Career with your Blog

This Fast Company article should have been titled "How to Launch a Career with your Blog if you are...

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 12/08/2006

So human...

At this very moment, I am procrastinating going to the gym. I am sitting here in my gym clothes...

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 12/07/2006

Is it too late to give thanks?

Over the thanksgiving holiday, I noticed a bunch of blog posts about what people were giving thanks...

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 12/07/2006

Podcast interview with Scott Pitasky, Microsoft's Staffing Leader

Peter Clayton, over at Total Picture, recently did an interview with Scott Pitasky (the answer to...

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 12/07/2006


James Kim

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 12/06/2006

This is what passes for advice these days

OK, it might be just me. Am I jaded? Or do fame and business overlap on the Venn diagram right where...

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 12/06/2006

Its 7:30 AM and there's jackhammering

It's 7:30 AM with partially clear skies (somewhere in Seattle, because we have the part with the...

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 12/06/2006

Got stink?

You know how I feel about smelling stuff. I'm still a little obsessed with the Westin White Tea...

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 12/05/2006

My key to holiday success

My key to holiday success is to get it over with early. If you can get yourself good and sick of it...

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 12/04/2006

Plain Talkin' Texan

I couldn't care less about hard drives beyond that fact that my computer has one and it works. I've...

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 12/01/2006

How many voice mail messages is too many?

I'm about to sound like the spokesmen for the Hairclub for Men. As a recruiter, I'm not just a...

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 12/01/2006

I knew she was one of us

Carolyn Kepcher joins Microsoft. Well, sort of.

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 11/29/2006

In my element...

I try not to talk too much about my passion for college football here because the urge to edit out...

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 11/28/2006

One pair of hiking boots used twice in seven years

There's no fashion in hiking. You need proof? That's my dad and me hiking at Superstition Mountain...

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 11/28/2006

Matthew Ammon

Sad news for Microsoft. A construction accident that happened last week in Bellevue claimed the life...

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 11/18/2006

Two contract opportunities available on my team

THought I should let you all know that I have two contract opportunities available on my team in...

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 11/17/2006

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