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Busy, busy, busy

It's been almost a month since my last real post.  Posts about ubercool bulldogs and mice (the furry kind) don't really count.  But if anyone's interested it took about 3 days, but we got the first mouse and none since.  Hopefully, it was a one hit wonder.

Anyway, work's been pretty busy lately.  We're all working hard on getting Beta 1 ready.  ZBB and ZRB and full test passes and all that fun stuff take a lot of time and effort but it definitely all pays off.  If you're not familiar with the ZBB acronym, Eric described it here.  ZRB is basically the same thing but more for testers and that's where the test team focuses on verifying and closing out (and sometimes reactivating) bugs that have been resolved by the dev team.  The goal is also to get to zero resolved bugs.  The product is looking good though.  Times are certainly exciting.

I figured I'd post and show some signs of bloglife, however weak it may be.  Blogging is great and all but I can't say I've found my groove yet.  I still debate way too much with myself whether something is post worthy or not.  It's been over a year now and it's still pretty unclear, but at least I've kept it up for that long, so I might as well keep going.

In other news, my new laptop comes in tomorrow.  Don't know if it's normal, but I still feel like a five year old waiting for Santa whenever I get new geek toys (though this is far from a toy, it'll get a pounding from me and work over the next couple of years for sure).  My wife, who is a software developer, but a far, far less lover of all that is geeky, thinks I'm pretty pathetic at times like these.  But she knows it's not going to change, so geek on I shall.
