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NYT: F.B.I. Opens Sydney Office

Excerpt from New York Times Article:

F.B.I. Opens Office

As part of a continuing effort to combat the new threat of terrorism and the older one of international organized crime, the F.B.I. opened an office in Sydney, bringing its overseas offices to a total of 74, an almost 40 percent increase in the past two years. The terrorist threat since the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, is often perceived as the primary reason for the F.B.I.’s expansion, Thomas V. Fuentes, the director of the agency’s international operations, said in a news conference in Sydney. But the offices also focus on international organized crime, international financial crimes, cyber crime and criminal activities like narcotics trafficking and people smuggling. “No one can combat these threats, not just from terrorism, but from organized crime, other than on a global basis,” Mr. Fuentes said. “These criminals for many years have collaborated across borders, without regard for sovereignty.”

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