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TechEd Excitement!

Went through some walkthroughs with Dan Winn, Michael Raheem and Christian Kleinerman today for our sessions at TechEd on Monday and Tuesday. I’m excited, looks like we have sneaked up to 7 slides (our goal was 5 or less so we could spend more time on demos) but the demos are still great, we have some cool perspectives on stuff we have shown before and also some new stuff to show from the new CTP thats coming soon.


Also we have been doing a bunch of work on Paul Flessner’s keynote for day 2, Ilya who is running the overall thing has been a monster driving changes. I can summarize my feelings about Paul’s Keynote in 3 words…



I know everyone is going to want to go to Steves keynote on the Monday but believe me Paul’s keynote is going to be the coolest one :-)

Oh and don’t forget to pick up a little something by registration so you can take part in it