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Fish Salad / Fish Tacos

Here's one I've been playing with for a while now. You may have it unwrapped as a salad, or in some sort of tortilla-based containment vessel.

Fish Salad / Fish Tacos


  • 1 container nonfat yogurt
  • 1 clove garlic
  • Sugar
  • Salt
  • Black pepper
  • Cayenne pepper

If possible, drain the yogurt in a coffee filter for an hour or so to get rid of some of the liquid part. Add sugar to taste (you want to get rid of most of the bite of the yogurt, but not all), salt and pepper to taste, and then a dash or two of cayenne (yes, it needs it, but it takes an absurdly small amount, so go slow). Crush garlic clove, add to mixture and mix, set aside.


  • 1 nice tomato
  • 5 small button mushrooms
  • 1 bell pepper (orange, yellow, or red)
  • 1 small yellow onion
  • other veg as desired (shredded carrot (please not the pre-shredded stuff - if you want to use that, just use thin strips of cardboard), pea pods, etc)

Dice tomato and onion, cut other vegetables in to thin strips. You can use cabbage if you must but don't invite me over. Put them all in a bowl, add the sauce, and mix.


  • 1 pound fish. I like salmon or halibut, but any other fish with some body to it works well. Steaks work best as it's good to have chunks perhaps 3/4" (0.02 meters, or 9.5 x 10^-5 furlongs) on each side.
  • Panko bread crumbs. You may use normal ones if you must, but they are much less fun to say than "panko"

Cut up and bread the fish. You could use an egg wash, but I normally don't. You should probably do the breading before you make the sauce.

Heat up a nice saute/frying pan on medium heat, add a bit of oil (peanut works well), and then add the fish. Distribute it so as much is touching the heat as possible. Add more oil if necessary. Stir (or toss if you have the chops) every 30 seconds or so, and cook until done (which for salmon means a little pink on the inside, or perhaps even a little rarer). If you overcook a nice piece of fish I'm coming after you.

Remove from heat, stir salmon into bowl, serve immediately.

Serves from 1-4 depending on how hungry you are.
